
Finds a way...

Janet runs a hand through Rick's hair as he rests his head aganst her. She new he was stressed and he just wanted to help his young friend. So often though Rick never said it Janet new he took so much on his shoulder scaired that if he was to fail all would be lost. And though some battles where lost Janet loved Rick just the same.

Tilting her head a bit Janet looks into Ricks eye's and gives him a soft smile as she runs a hand along the side of his face. Janet'e heart gives a little flutter as she gazed into Ricks eyes till finally she pulls away just a little. Taking the bag from the table she turns to head to the door calling over her shoulder.

"Let me go warm this up for you fast. I'll be right back."

Disapreaing out of the infermary Janet heads down the hall to the break room.

About to turn back around once again and finish her path to the car Angelica hears the front door lick and open just a little. Not seeing anyone in the dark her heart races just a little thinking the worst. Steping up a step on the pourch the door opens more and finally Angelica can make out Ricks form as his gun uncocks relizing she shaired him as much as he did her.

"You always answer you door gun drawn?"

Angelica cant help the smile that spread across her face. Oh how coffee sounded right about now as well. Making her way back up the steps Angelica gives Rick a once over as he is dressed and cant help but feel the heat rise in her cheeks as she addmited to herself he looks good.

"Coffee sounds great."

Feeling a big of shock over finding out Carson moved in with his sister Jess trys not to let it show. But still she couldnt help the feeling of a sting just a little bit. Carson and herself were trying to be friends why wouldnt he at least mention to her he was moving so she didnt worry or if he needed him. Trying to push the feeling she wasnt sure she should be having or not away Jess put on less than a real smile.

"Well...I guess that would explain why he wasnt at Mom and Pop's huh?!"

Stairing out the window for a long moment a strange feeling bubbles in Jess stomch. One would guess maybe it was heart ack, but to Jess she had never really felt this before and didnt know if thats what it was or not.

Finally pulling into a small space outside the auto shop Jess lets the rest of what Axel has said sink in. How strong his words always were and how they offered hope. Maybe they were true, maybe not but they always braught a smile to Jess face.

"Even in the dark, when it feels all hope is lost that Rainbow finds its way through giving the light a reminder why it should shine more. But than not all good things can last and the Rainbow has to leave. But a promise remains that it will be seen again another day."

Turning her head a little Jess gives a smile to Axel. In a matter of moments she felt so comfortable with him. Like he was her best friend she had known for years.

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