
What happens

*Cringing as the chairs fall Jess gives a small jump as the last one falls. Standing sunted for a moment Jess brings her hand to her mouth and for a moment a spark of life is seen in her eyes as a laugh escaps her lips. She couldn't help but see the humor for the moment in what had happend. Turning to Carson she puts her free hand over her hart.*

"What happens, at Mom and Pop's tonight stays at Mom and Pop's tonight. You have my word."

*Jess shakes her head as she puts the rag and cleaner down on one of the booths and starts to help pick up the chairs and placing them on the table tops again.*

*Charlotte smiles back at Bret knowing good and well what he ment. Pushing off the counter she steps away from him walking backwards for a few moments with a grin on her face.*

"Dinner, sounds good. It should be done momentarly."

*Turning back around Charlotte starts to finish the dinner.*

"Hun can you set the table for me?"

*Stiring and tossing the smell of the stir fry drifts through the air and smells so mouth watering. Emptying it into a serving bowl she places it on the table and grabs them something to drink finally ready to sit down and to have the meal.

The conversation was kept light and the dinner continues and finally Charlotte remembers what she wanted to ask Bret before but forgot.*

"Who was that at the door before hun?"

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