
Only a dream

*Sitting down across from Carson, Jess leans her arms across her on the table and takes a sip of her milkshake. A smile spreads across her face again. Carson did make good shakes and Jess tummy was churning more than she wanted to admit.

Jess sips her milkshake in throught for a moment after Carson asks his question. She had never been asked that question before though she had thought of the answer many times. Never would she think about telling anyone for fear they would laugh. Someone like her with hardly any money was not cut out for it.*

"I don't have dreams really, only wishful thinking. Most my dreams are dark and foggy. Though I have one I can see clearly. Though I, guess I never did put a great deal of thought into it. I do have a dream but thats where it ends. I always wanted to go to college for photography and math. I like them both."

*Jess leans her head back aganst the booth and closes her eyes for a moment. An image rolling through her mind as she speaks. Almost being able to smell the air and feel the wind.*

"Traviling, in a yellow lambergine, the wind in my hair out to some place nice snaping pictures."

*Opening her eyes again Jess is braught back to the real world.*

"But that, is only a dream. I could never see it coming true. How about you Killer? What do your dreams look like?"

*Charlotte smiles at Bret from across the table. She could tell something was bothering him but decied for now not to ask. If he needed someone to talk to he new she was here. It's not that she didn't care but she learned along time ago not to push someone.*

" You beter believe it. I want to spend at least some time with you on my days off. However tomarrow I might flip a coin on cleaning your house again. It needs it."

*Charlotte grins and thans stands starting to clear the table and putting the left over food away. Coming back over to Bret Charlotte bends out giving him another quick kiss before finishing clearing the table.*

"Well I picked dinner, you pick the movie hun while I wash up these dishes."

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