

Carson's eyes narrow slightly, a small smile on his lips. "It's the special ones that can make dreams come true...and you're special enough to do it. Don't sell yourself short. You got a lot of life left."

Taking his straw, he tries to suck some more milkshake, but finds it difficult. Grimacing, he stirs it around. "I think I made this one too thick."

As Jess asks him what his own dreams are, he pauses, his eye on the table. Looking back up to her, and staring hat her eyes, he shakes his head. "A guy like me doesn't have dreams, Jess. All he has are broken pieces of a past he wishes was a dream."

Carson swirls around his straw in his glass, realizing the hypocritical attitude he had...he was encouraging Jess to dream, while at he same time eliminating himself from that equation. Sighing a little, he shakes his head again. "I guess I wouldn't know what to dream for anyway...all I've ever done is live for today."

He tries to revert the topic back to Jess. "So...photography, huh? Nature? Animals? People?"

Bret is grateful that Charlotte doesn't press the issue, and enjoys her presence and the kiss she offers again. Standing up, he takes her by the shoulders and points her to the living room. "Dishes can wait. It's movie time, and I'd say tonight is a good drama night..."

He goes over to his rack of DVDs, finding one he wants, and pops it in the player. Flopping down on the couch, he hooks Charlotte with his feet to bring her down too, locking her between his legs so she can't go do the dishes.

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