

“Mm.” Bret is caught off guard but has no problem accepting or returning Charlotte’s kiss. He pulls her even tighter to himself, cocking his head and leaning into the exchange. Backing up a couple steps, he’s pressed back against the counter, the sizzling food going ignored as the passion lasts.

Just a little abruptly though, Bret’s hands slide from Charlotte’s back and find the counter on each side of himself. He lets the kiss continue for another moment, but then pulls away, his face slightly red as he strums his fingers restlessly on the counter.

“Supper,” he comments lamely. “We definitely need to eat supper.”

Carson chuckles and shakes his head, but lets Jess help clean. If it made her feel good, he wasn’t about to stop her.

With the radio going and the warm temperature in the room, it created a somewhat cozy atmosphere, despite the need to clean.

Turning chairs upside down on the tables to mop, Carson works as he normally does, knowing the routine well. At one point though, while he’s mopping, he doesn’t pay attention to where he’s going, and he backs right into Jess.

Spinning around, he laughs. “Sorry, I wasn’t watching…” As he speaks, he turns back around, his mop hitting one of the upturned chairs. Too late…it falls. And like a row of dominos, one by one, each chair on the tables clatter and bang to the floor, creating a resounding crash throughout the room. And all Carson can do is stand with his eyes wide and watch until the last chair has bounced to it’s fate.

He blinks and just stares… Finally he turns his head to Jess. “This goes no further…you got that?”

Scott lets Katie nestle into him as he eases down partially on his side, leaning against the armrest of the couch. How many times had they been here before? How many times had they sat like this, just enjoying each other’s company? Would this be the last?

His one hand holds hers, while his other lays across her shoulders, just holding her close.

The dim light in the living room and the dark television makes for a quiet atmosphere, but it’s not minded. The only sound is Domino racing back and forth with her toy, finally stopping and realizing that she’s the only one playing. She gives a little sigh and drops her toy. Surveying the couch, she hops up on the end and crawls up next to Katie, finding a nice little pocket to curl up in.

Scott’s mind wanders as his fingers slowly stroke Katie’s arm. He hadn’t told her everything…but it was still in his mind…

“Look, if this is about Katie and me…”

It hadn’t been. It had only been a business lunch. Reese had wanted them to discuss a delicate case privately, away from the office. But it had turned into an unexpected personal meeting.

“What do you mean? What are you talking about?”

Jason had immediately discovered his mistake. “Aw man…I’m sorry.” His words had been genuine.

The conversation had been civil, despite the tension. Scott had questioned Jason’s starting statement, and had found out the hard way about the night at Mom and Pop’s.

“…we were out back…I guess I was flirting with her, I don’t know…it just…she came up and kissed me.”

Scott’s heart had sunk. He’d suspected that Katie still had feelings for Jason, but knowing they’d kissed brought on a disappointment he hadn’t been ready for.

Jason had defended. “…I told her no…it didn’t feel right…I tried to leave and we argued. I got too riled and had an attack. Katie took me home and took care of me for the night…and that was that.”

His explanation was honest enough. Scott believed him, and had appreciated the openness. He hadn’t expected Jason to share as easily as he had…maybe Jason had simply known I was too late to try to hide anything.

They’d discussed the past a little…Scott had questioned the connection between Jason and Katie and how it affected other things. He’d found out more about the emotional bond. Then Scott had asked what he really wanted to know. “What about you, Jason…do you still love her?”

Jason hadn’t answered right away. There had been a long silence, and Scott had had to force Jason to look at him, repeating the question. “Do you?”

Jason had looked him square in the eye. “No.”

Part of Scott wanted to be glad with that comment. If Jason didn’t love Katie, then she couldn’t very well pursue him. Though at the same time, it was disheartening to think that she might be loving a man who didn’t return that love and never would.

And yet… Scott wondered. Jason’s tone didn’t lie…his eyes didn’t lie…but he was a master of emotions and Scott wouldn’t find it hard to believe if Jason could fool a lie detector.

Scott had been surprised at the answer…he’d thought Jason still had feelings for Katie too, with the way they interacted, especially lately. He wasn’t blind. But why would Jason lie? Didn’t he have more to gain if he would admit this love than hide it? Or was he hiding it because he thought Katie was better off with someone else? If that were the case, Scott would have to commend him for having guts. At the same time though…if Jason did love Katie, he wasn’t being fair with her by not showing it.

This had turned out to be a mess… how, Scott didn’t know. But it had. And poor Katie was getting the brunt of the whole thing. All their futures rode on her decision. It wasn’t fair…but what else was there to do?

Scott lowers his head further onto the armrest, not knowing how long Katie wanted to stay, but it didn’t matter to him. She could stay as long as she wanted, but if she felt she had to leave, he’d take her. For now though…he just wanted to sit…and be with her.

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