

*Jess lets out a small sigh.*

"You know your capable of having dreams and achieving them just like me."

*Jess is quiet again as she plays with a strawberry that is stuck in the bottom of her glass trying to get it out.*

"I like just looking around and finding the good in anything. Like this strawberry."

*Jess pulls her legs underneath her and leans over the table getting a little bit closer to Carson and tilting her glass just a tad so he can see in the glass.*

"Look how it lays in the milkshake only a bit of it covered in pink while the rest of the red and green stick out. It seems, artistic to me."

*Jess looks up at Carson and gives a small nod. Her eyes proving she liked talking about this.

Searching Carson's eyes for a moment Jess finally talks again a different tone in her voice. One that she's she was deep in thought and was thinking about this before.*

"And take your eyes for instance as well, they are amazing Carson. They have a depth that lasts forever, they hold a certain sadness but yet there is light somewhere deep in them. There almost luring, as if they echo and call for someone. You have, nice eyes."

*Jess holds her gaze, just looking into the endless blue of Carson's eyes. To Jess they said so many things, they and they made her feel safe.*

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