

*Katie's eyes shoot to Scott's as he sits across the table and the mention of the kiss with Jason came up. She was going to tell Scott what happend, she was going to tell him she kissed Jason but she had put it off all day and now he new by finding out himself. Once again Katie had messed up. Droping her gaze she looks down at the empty plat in front of her not sure what she should say. So many things ran through her mind it was hard to pick what one she was focused on. It was hard to think at all.*

"I..I did. Last night. I was going to bring it up to you, but I kept putting it off."

*Katie runs her own fingers on the table and find her napkin. In a nervouse habit she starts to put peaces off one at a time into small scraps.*

"I...don't know why I did...."

*Katie stops herself short for a moment as she closes her eyes to regain her composure. Tears wanted to fall they wanted to come forth.*

"...No thats a lie. I don't want to make excuses because thats not fair to you I guess. Mmmm...I..Scott you know I love you more than anything. My love for you runs very deep, but I guess somewhere I still love Jason too. I tryed to lock it away, because I wanted to be with you. I pushed it into a courner, and kept it there to keep it as only a memorie. But after my accident and I forgot and than remembered I found it hard to keep it locked away..."

*Katie lets out a long sigh and she continues to rip the napkin.*

"But than I did again and thats when we got back together. I kept it hidden locked away, forgoten so well, but I dont know what happend the other night it just....I don't know how to describe it."

*Katie looks up at Scott for a moment searching his eyes to see how he felt. She wasent sure what to say if she shold say anymore Katie just didn't know.*

"...Don't doubt my love Scott because that is not faulse not one bit."

*Katie lets out another sigh and is silent for a moment not sure what to say, what alse Scott wanted to know. Katie just didn't know, all she new is she didnt want to hurt Scott, that was the last thing she ever wanted to do.*

*Giving a jump at a sound behind her Jess turns around and just stairs for a moment not seeing anything. Putting her hand in her pocket and griping the lighter tightly in her fist her eyes roam the area.

What had she come down this way? Why did she want to take a walk and alone non the less? Why was she being such a scairdy cat?

Jess hated the way she felt, non of this would have bothered her before. It just would of been another walk and maybe the destanation would of been differnt but other than that she would of been ok. But now she wasn't. Every loud noise mad her jump and her heart race.

Turning back around Jess continues. As the noises around her continue she picks up her pace. She just wanted to get to her destanation now, she didn't want to walk alone anymore. Hoping she was going the right way Jess walks swiftly.*

*Charlotte lets out a long tired sigh as she gets into her car. Work was finally over and she could relaxe for the next two days. How she was looking forward to it.

Pulling out of the parking lot Charlotte's next destanation was Bret's house.*

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