
Lazy Bones

*Katie keeps her eyes down at Scott's hands...so many emotions and things to think of inside. It was hard to know what way was up.*

"No Scott, its not wrong of you. Its not wrong of you at all."

*Katie lets out a long sighl She was lost and confused. Worst of all she new she was hurting Scott.

As Scott talks about Jason never returning the lost she brings her eyes up to search Scott's face. Why would he say something like that? Than it dawns on her Jason and Scott had lunch today, could it be that, that is what they talked about at lunch today? Katie wanted to know but this was not the time for her to reach out to Jason. Surly he would already be able to feel her emotions pull from being upset that was enough.*

"I don't want to hurt you Scott, and I am sorry I have again. I know what I have, and I know I love you. Your right to that this whole thing is not fair to you. I...I don't know how long it will take me to get over Jason and I know it's unfair of me to ask you to wait so I would never do that and on the other hand the thought of losing you kills me inside. I....I don't know, I don't even know what I am trying to say anymore."

*Katie leans back in the booth her eyes still threating to spill over but doing her best to keep them in. Katie felt so confused, so lost, and she felt suddinly alone. This was her fault and she new it, this was her doing because she couldn't keep her stupid feelins inside. Everything was coming apart again because of her.*

*As Jess continues to walk she trys to keep her mind cleared and not on everything alse. Quicking her pace even more and keeping her head down. Turning the courner she always runs into someone. Giving a gasp and a jump Jess takes a few steps backwards. Jess looks up quick and finally relaxes seeing and hearing it was Carson. Steping closer to Carson again Jess takes his arm and leans her face into it for a moment trying to hide her face as the color comes to it. She's been scaire but she hated to addmit it.*

"I was coming to see you but I wanted to take a differnt rout. I was tired of seeing the same thing, and being in that white room."

*Jess finally removes her head from Carson shoulder and looks up at him the emotion aparent in her eyes even though she tryed to hide it as she still held onto Carson's arm.*

"I got myself lost I think, and I guess my mind played tricks on me as well and freaked me out. So, thats why I am here."

*Geting herself to stop shaking Jess relizes she is still holding onto Carson's arm and lets go taking a few steps backwards again.*

"You didn't have to work tonight?"

*Pulling into Bret's driveway Charlotte turns the car off and gives a smile seeing the TV on. Grabing the small bag from the passanger side seat Charlotte gets out of the car and heads up to the door giving a knock. Not receving an answer Charlotte knocks again only to be greeted with silence. Trying the door and finding it lock she reaches into her bag looking for the key. Opening the door and sliping inside she heads into the living room finding Bret on the coutch asleep.

For a moment Charlotte looks down at him and just smiles watching him. Than placing a gentil hand on her shoulder she leans down plating a kiss on his cheek.*

"Bret, you lazy bones. Are you going to sleep all night on me?"

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