

*Aerith smiles at Wyatt before standing to get back to work. Leaning down and stealing a kiss from him.*

"I though you would never ask. I'd love to go with you. Now I better get back to work before I am late."

*Aerith smiles before scurring off.*

*Jamie gives a small smile at Con as she shakes her head.*

"How about we get you home, and I cook you some steak. You need to take it easy."

*Jamie gathers Con's things and than exite the room looking for a doc to discharg Con.*

*Lockheart gets Brets call and calls him back promptly. Leting him know she would be glad to help but she had a few things on the weekend to take care of and monday she would be more than happy to meet him at a small Nevada dinner. She also mentioned that a young intern would be joining her as well. She need the help and this would be great practice for her. Hanging up Lockheart calls Charlotte leting her know they would be leaving Friday. Next Lockheart heads to Jake's office and fills him in on what was going on, and how long she would be gone.*

*Katie gives Scott a big kiss running her hands through his new cut hair.*

"A walk sounds wonderful."

Night comes, and day follows no one being able to stop the hands on time. The more one trys to slow it down the faster it seems to go. And before one can even relize it its Friday.

*Lockheart enters the Hotel room Charlotte close behind her. Throwing her stuff down on the bed. This is where Charlotte would be staying while Lockheart was away and than she would rejoin her again when she got home. Going through her bag Lockheart comes across an envilope she had braught with her. Giving a small smile she turns to her sister leting her know she would be back.

After a little bit of driving Lockheart pulls into the TJY parking lot. Geting out she smiles alittle and heads inside. Giving a few waves, nods, and smiles to people who greet her Lockheart is filled with a strange feeling of joy. Its was good to see everyone again. Still her destanation in mind Lockheart enters the small office and nods to Susanne. Knocking lightly on Reese office door she hoped he was in and new this would be a nice saprise. He wasent exspeciting her till tomarrow, but she had something to give him and needed to get Charlotte settled.*

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