
"Welcome Home"

*Jamie smiles at Bret being able to see the exsaustion set in his eyes. Standing she gives a yawn and strech of her own.*

"Go home Bret get some sleep. They are gonna be ok. I'll let you know if anything changes."

*Jamie walks down the hall back to Con's room seeing Scott and Katie were ready to leave. Jamie pulls her chair next to Con's bed once again resting her head on the bed her hand in his and drifting off to sleep.*

*Misty shakes her head at Carson and smiles.*

"Have a goodnight Carson and I will see you tomarrow."

*Misty goes back to her paper work staying for several more hours. For some reason tonight the thought of going home scaired her.*

*Katie's eyes flutter open stairing at a blank blue screen. Scott lays still next to her and Domino at his feet. A strange dull feeling rushes over Katie. Thought its faint like a protective layer was over her Katie still knows what it is. In her mind she whispers as if she new what was being said "How many times have I told you not to be sorry." Katie keeps hear head laying on Scott's chest. A single tear rolls down her cheek, but this one was differnt this was wasent from sadness. There was a change in the wind for her friend, as if someone lost was being found. Katie gives alittle smiles and whispers in her head only hoping it would reach who it should. "GoodNight J, and Welcome Home."*

*As Con shoots up in Bed Jamie wakes with a start standing. Forgeting where she was for a moment she looks around the room finally remembering. Siting on the edge of the bed now and bringign her one hand to Con's face she smiles.*

"Its ok Con. Its ok. Your safe. I'm here for you."

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