
Gift of Memories

Jason's body starts to relax as he's overcome with a strange feeling of emptiness. It wasn't a bad feeling...it was just...empty. Like pouring poison from a bottle, the container no longer holds harmful substance, yet lacks any good substance. It's just...empty.

He rolls over on his side and stares in the dark for just a little while. For just a moment, he receives an odd sense of fleeting peace, like someone giving him a pat to the back. The corner of his mouth upturns into a slight grin. Thanks, Katie.

Change was in the wind...it could be felt. The future loomed in front of him like an oncoming freight train. But it was time he faced it. Time he truly moved on. And he could do it now.

Con tries to focus in the dim light, and kind of hears a voice like it's far away. But he knew that tone...and he knew the soft skin that touched his face.

Turning his head slightly, he looks at Jamie wearily. Judging by the light, he knew it must be late. "Sorry," he manages. "Didn't...mean to...wake you up."

As he speaks, a nurse slips into the room and shakes her head, speaking quietly. "Conrad, I gave you enough pain killers you should have been out for two days."

A small smile appears as Con groggily keeps his eyes open. "How's Brandon?" he asks hoarsely.

"Sleeping." The nurse checks the IV and the monitors, taking Con's vitals. "As you should be."

Con licks his dry lips and swallows, disliking the feeling of not being in control over his own mind while under the influence of medications. "Is he...gonna make it?"

The nurse pauses and glances at Jamie, then back down at Con, giving his arm a gentle pat. "Yeah...he'll be just fine."

As she walks away, Con looks up at the ceiling. The nurse's eyes had betrayed her. But there was nothing he could do. His fingers give Jamie's hand a little squeeze before he drops off again into a dreamless sleep.

Jason jots down information on a piece of paper as he cradles the phone between his chin and shoulder. "Uh-huh...ok..." He thinks for a moment. "No, just one... Oh, now that sounds nice. Yeah, I'll give them a call. Thanks Rudy. Yep. Bye."

Hanging up, he picks up the receiver again, dialing the number he'd just written down. He was at work earlier than normal this morning...but the quiet was nice. He was on personal business at the moment anyway, so it was just as well it was before he was supposed to be in.

"Yes, hi...my name is Jason Stevenson and I heard you had a house to rent..." Listening to the woman on the other end of the line, he opens his desk drawer to retrieve a set of vehicle keys, fidgeting with them. "Actually, through Rudy Barclay. Yeah...oh, really? Where's it at? Uh-huh..."

As he talks, he concentrates halfway on his computer screen, opening up his email and typing a brief message: Hal... Still interested in that offer if it still stands. Let me know. -Hotshot

"Yeah, that actually sounds great...yep...yeah, that's not too bad...sure....this afternoon? Great."

His mind split between two tasks, he types up another email: Susanne, You still have that couch? I might take you up on it. Know of any good used furniture stores around here?

Jason pauses to turn around and jot down an address. "Thanks a million. Yeah. See you later today."

Carson ambles into work, heading slowly to his cubicle. It had been a long night...he had probably a total of two hours of sleep, and his eyes showed it. After the drive he'd taken the evening before everything had suddenly shifted into a different light...and it wasn't a good light. He had no idea what he was going to do, but he had to play it cool. This couldn't leak out.

Getting back up from his desk again, he heads to the infirmary. The first step was setting up supper with Misty and follow through with his usual plans.

Con's eyes gradually open, squinting just a little in the morning light that comes through the window. It takes him several minutes to figure out just where he is, the dull ache in his shoulder helping to remind him.

Turning his head, he sees Jamie leaning from her chair, her own head resting on the bed beside him. Lifting his hand, he gently runs his fingers through her hair.

Scott scoots his chair out of his cubicle and glances down to Katie's area. Holding the wrapped package in his hand, he shoves off, rolling in that direction. Catching himself in the doorway, he stops and gets up, putting the gift on the desk with a quick note. "For you, from me. Enjoy that horizon." Satisfied, he rolls back down to his own desk to start in on reading several messages from coworkers who needed help with their computers.

On Katie's desk lies a 3-ring binder wrapped in blue paper. Photo sleeves lie within, holding a day full of memories...Texas memories.
People...landscape...horses... small photos, large photos...all displaying Scott's handiwork with the camera - his models unaware that they had been captured.
A horse quietly grazing is caught in a close-up, the sun glinting off its coat. A lonely daisy sways in a breeze-blown field, backdropped by a fuzzy ranch. A glorious sunset is caught to show its brilliance forever. Silhouettes of several horses by a fence against a pink sky.
Jeff grooming a horse in the barn, surrounded by a glow of sunlight dust. A closeup shot of Mick and Rosetta walking hand in hand, the expression of peace on their faces. Cindy and Wes together on the porch swing, their eyes smiling. A barn kitten playing with a loose piece of hay. A black and white stolen closeup of Mick and Rosetta as they stroll in a field, their faces barely apart as they move in for a kiss. A cropped photo of two hands clasped together - those of Luke and Angel.
A silhouette of Jason leaning on the top rail of a fence, staring into the sun with deep thought. A butterfly resting on a pale purple wildflower. Con with Jamie in his arms as they laugh in the yard. A horse kicking up its heels at the sky.
Pictures fill the book, proving hours of effort with shot after shot. Each photo portrays the feelings...the emotions of detail. The spark is caught in the eyes. The emotions captured in every angle. The final picture gazes down the trail in the woods, a permanent memory of that quiet peace.

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