
2 days later

[WARNING: Please note before reading this Lisa is under heavy sadation, and pain killers from having surgary done in her mouth. All went well but she is still a bit loopy. That being said, over look even more of the typos, miss spelled words, or anything that might just not make sence. As proof that she is not all with it, she laughed so hard at you post it made her sides hurt and for a moment she even liked Camryn, but the moment was bref, and again proves she is higher than a kite on pain killers. Thank you for complaying once again and I hope you injoy the post.]

*Jamie smiles as Dean and his wife leave. The last few days had been pretty slow for her spending most of her time by Con's side but she dident mind much. Time spent with Con was always a joy even if it wasent doing the normal stuff.*

"You know this is probley why Katie had people sneek her food in."

*Jamie eyes Con's chicken and shakes her head making a funny face that ends in a smile. Leaning back in the chair and streching Jamie cant help but let a small yawn slip out though she trys to mask it.*

"Are you sure your going to be ok to go to the wedding? I dont want you to over do it. Specuily will BJ around. He is just one ball of energy. AND CONRAD GIBBS....."

*Jamie cant help but let her smerk grow. It wasent offten she call Con by his full name. But when she did it always made her laugh at how funny it sounded.*

"...dont tell me to stop worrying. Because I will anyways and you know it."

*Jamie stands and leans down giving Con a small kiss on the lips before drawing away and heading over to where he bag rested. Staring to pack up a few of his personaly things so when he was ready to go home everything was ready and waiting.*

*As Misty feels Carson start to rub her shoulders her eyes instintly drift shut. Than feeling his around around her like a blanket and the soft kiss on her cheek it made her smile.

Misty new she had been pretty quiet wrapped in her work but her mind had been on so many differnt things. She wasent sure how to talk about it, or even what to do. Not to mention she was threatened to keep it a secret or others would pay the price. Misty was just so confused. She hated hiding anything from Carson. Though he hadent been around to much him as of late. Misty really dident think anything of it though. Carson was like that he liked his alown time everyone in a while as much as the next person. Misty had learned to turst him and new he just need some me time every once and a while. To clear his head or just go out with the guys from work. It was normal and Misty had no complantes around it. She liked her alown time as well once and a great while.

Leting out a soft sigh Misty turns in her chair and turns to face Carson. A bit of worry was in her eyes, a look not offten seen.*

"I guess I've just been thinking about my brother and how things change. The other day when I got home from work he was waiting at the house for me. Noramly that wouldent freak me out but, I guess it was just the way. He was siting in the dark, and just sting there. He scaired the crap out of me cuz I locked the door when I left so I have no idea how he got in, but I just brushed it off and we have a nice night. Than over dinner we got into talking about alot of differnt things most that dont really mean anything, but we go talking about the past and the present. He got talking about how he was leaving soon, and he wanted me to come with me. He started babbling about how I wasent happy and he wanted to give me a chanse to be happy like old times."

*Misty lets out a sigh and shakes her head*

"I told him I was happy. Here, with you...I have everyting I want. And I wouldent be going with him. I dident want to go with him."

*Misty looks down again before looking up at Carson.*

"I saw that change you said you saw. I saw him get really angry. He wasent happy I told him I wasent leaving and he just went into this rage. I've never seen him like that before and it really scaired me. Thats a rare thing for me to say. Anyways I told him to leave and just about pushed him out the door and once he was out...he snaped back into my old brother again and he thought the reason he was leaving was on his own will. I just...dont understand and its been weaghing heavy on my mind. Its nothing major."

*Misty looks back up at Carson and searches his face. Seeing his own look of distress. Misty gives alittle shrug.*

"So you hurd about me, how about you?"

*As Katie pass Scott's cubicle she comes to a halt and takes a few steps backwards. Turning her head and looking at Scott taking a double take. For a moment she cant saw anything, the words stuck in her throt.*


*Is all she can manage as a smile forms on her face and she steps into the cubicle.*

"....wow...I love the hair cut Scotty."

*Drawing close to Scott she plants a kiss on his cheek and slids into his lap her arms around his neck.*

"I really, really like it. How about I show you off tonight at dinner?"

*Aerith takes a bite of a french fry she stole from Wyatt's plate. The last few days since the court hearing was over and everyone was clear was nice. Aerith was able to spend more time with Wyatt, and actully talk about his work. Tention was gone as well of not knowing what was to happen if anyone found out about TJY. Aerith really was enjoying her time spent with him. Wyatt had even been a nice enough gentilmen to spend some time with her at Jamies as well since she was busy in the hospetal with Con. Wyatt was certinly a fine catch.*

"Well thats good no one has backed out. It probley just wouldent be the same without everyone there even if things are changing. I bet it just makes it easyer having your friends there too.

So are you guys going to be called The Elite now...or still TJY? Oh and a badge, I'm dating a cop. A handsome one at that."

*Aerith sneaks another french fry grining as she trys to put it in her mouth and chew it before Wyatt has a change to see.*

"So I hurd a Jetstream avent was coming up, you thinking about going?"

*Jamie sits with Con she feels her phone vibrate in her pocket. Glancing down at it she smiles back up at Con.*

"I have a voicemail. I'll be right hun."

*Steping out of the room Jamie listens to the mail before dialing Bret back and giving him Lockhearts number.*

"...She is pretty fair is cost and a real nice woman. I dont think you guys will have a probley working anything out. Ok Bret, if you need anything alse let me know. Ok, take care."

*Closing her phone she re-enters Con's room filling him in on what was going on.*

*Lockheart sits at her computer reading her email when a voice over her shoulder is hurd.*

"Estimado you should go it would be fun, and you could get to know Mike more."

*Lockhearts grandmother has a smile on her face as she leans in closer to Lockheart.

Lockhearts eyes shift to look at her Grandmother before rolling them.*

"And when did you become so nosey Abuela?"

"When I found out someone took an intrest in you."

"HE is not. He's just being nice."

"But you like him Estimado! Abuela is smarter than you think."

"If I tell him I will go will you get off my back."

"Estimado, Estimado not till you let go and move on."

*Lockheart shakes her head as her grandmother walks away. Hiting the reply button she sits for a moment.*

I'm sorry but I dont think I will be able to make it. Work has been busy...

*Stoping Lockheart sits for the moment just looking at the screen before hiting the backspace button deleting everything she wrote. and starting again. It might be fun to go. Relax alittle bit.*

Thank you for thinking of me. I've been meaning
to take a small vacation and the time away might
be nice. Not to mention weddings are always fun.
It will be good to see you again too.

*Lockheart stops....hits the delet button before starting again.*

It will be good to see you and everyone alse again
as well. So yes, meeting you there would be nice.
See you soon and have a great day.


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