
Need a plan

Cindy grips Wes’s hand, all of her fear returning.

Luke gives Angel an encouraging nod, even if he doesn’t feel that much confidence. “Of course…they’ll be fine and you know it. We haven’t been through all this before for nothing…it’s old hat to everyone now.” He throws her a quick wink. “It’ll all be over before we know it.”

Austin raises an eyebrow at Damien, thinking it over. Finally he nods. “Alright. You go with Mick and Rosetta.”

He begins to sift through some of their equipment. “I want everyone wired and in communication with each other. I’m hoping that by the time we get to Myersville that Lukas will have figured out where we need to go. If not, we’ll split up. Either way we’ll need surveillance to figure out patterns before we move in.” He grabs the case with weapons for himself and Con. “Let’s hope we don’t have to use them. My ultimate plan here is to get in and get out without so much as a peep out of anyone. I don’t know what kind of a setup they’ll have, but no matter what, our objective is to get Jason out without anyone from our side getting hurt. Any questions?” He looks around, hearing none. “Good. Let’s move out.”

Mick catches Rosetta’s eye as she hands him his gun, and a slight grin shows through. “Thanks.”

The drive seems to take an eternity. Austin is in the lead with Con and Katie, while Mick’s truck follows with him, Rosetta and Damien.

Austin’s cell phone rings. He immediately picks it up and hits the speakerphone, turning on his mic so everyone in both vehicles can hear. “Yeah?”

“Lukas here. I think I know where they’ve got Jason.”


“Don’t know how you figured it was Myersville, but if that much is true, he might very well be in the brick warehouse on the east side of town. I’ve seen a black van coming and going from there, but nothing that looks like legit business. So far I’ve seen two men, but there could be more. I’ve kept my distance so no one suspects anything.”

“Good work, Lukas. High tail it out of there so no one thinks you’re still in town if they are watching. We’ll take it from here.” Austin ends the call, and speaks, continuing to use his mic. “Hear that everyone? Sit tight for the ride – we’re going in for a closer look.”

Three hours later…

“It looks deserted.”

The two vehicles are parked along the side street, able to just see the back of the warehouse, using binoculars. Con shakes his head. “Seems too quiet to me.”

“Agreed.” Austin sighs, thinking deeply. “We’ve got to figure out how many men are in there, and we have to figure out how to get in and out without them knowing. Anyone got any suggestions?”

Mick looks through the window of his truck. “Three ways we can do this. Create a diversion and get them out in the open, sneak in and hope that we’re not seen, or barge the door and catch them by surprise…”

Austin rubs his chin wearily. “What do you think guys?” He glances at Katie. “You think this is where Jason is?”

The crook slams the basement door in frustration and plops down in his chair across from his partner, picking up the hand of cards that had been waiting. “Nothing.”


“He’s so out of it now, either we give him a break or he’ll die off before we even do it on purpose.”

The other one grunts. “Go down in another hour. At least we won’t get blamed for not trying hard enough.”

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