

Jason grips her hand tightly, showing his fear for the first time. He can barely see what’s going on, and that combined with his mental state, creates a panic he resists, but can’t seem to overcome. On a certain level, he knows the people around him are trying to help, and he’s desperate to accept their help, but the pain keeps him at a point of ire.

JT prepares an injection and gives Jason a quick shot. “This should calm him down a bit and give him some relief until we put him under.” He raises an eyebrow as Katie requests the presence of the others. “Ah, grandfather huh? I wondered if there was a relation there. Yes, they can come too, as long as you keep them in line.” He grins at her. “Come on, follow me. You can come into the next room, and you’ll be able to see into the O.R.” He gets several nurses to push the gurney through the next set of doors, and motions for the others to follow. He preps himself and as he’s entering the O.R., he’s stopped by another doctor.

“I went ahead and drew up the papers for the report, since this was a beating.” The doctor shows JT several printouts.

JT shakes his head. “Got it taken care of already.”

“But I didn’t see…”

“It’s taken care of,” JT repeats sternly, turning the other doctor away. He goes into the O.R., letting the door swing shut behind him.

Austin and Con join Katie in the adjoining room where there is a window into the O.R. They wait for hours, pacing, sitting, standing, and pacing. Finally, Jason is taken out another door, and JT emerges, easing himself down into a chair and removing his mask. He sighs wearily and wipes some sweat from his brow. “Well…”

Austin looks at him expectantly. “How is he?”

JT doesn’t answer the question directly. “The worst time I had was reconstructing that knee of his. He had quit an impact to his kneecap – shattered the whole thing. I almost waited to replace it, but I decided to go ahead and do the surgery while I had him in there. Only time will tell how much mobility he’ll gain back in it. And…” He thinks. “That gash on his face is going to leave a nasty mark, but as long as it doesn’t get infected it shouldn’t be a threat. He has five broken ribs, plenty of cuts and bruises and he was pretty dehydrated.”

Con cocks his head. “How long will he have to stay here?”

JT grows solemn as if having something he doesn’t want to say. “Jason apparently experienced an awful lot of trauma, physically and mentally… Right now he’s in a coma.”

Cindy’s eyes widen, and she grips Wes’ arm. “What do you mean he’s in pretty rough shape? What did they say? Where is he?”

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