
The Call

*Katie nods at JT than stands up.* "I'm going to go in and see him. If you guys need me let me know." *Katie heads our the door and down the hall.*

*Rosetta nods to Mick.* "Lets do it." *Rosetta feels a bit of excitment as hey younger day pass through her mind.*

*Wendy looks to Becky as she sits by the firg.* "I was thinking make a nice big Salad. I am sure the dont have much of an appitite so it will be something lite for them." *Wendy lets out a sigh as she trys to take the stuff out of the fig but drops it.* " OH come on...I'm so usless right now. I cant wait to get out of this thing." *Wendy bends forwork to pick up what she droped.*

*Annie heads outside and pulls out her phone dialing a number.* "Hey, Ya they did. I'm not sure. They dident say where. Nope they dont know. Ya alot easyer than I thought. Ok....when I know more I'll let you know. Later."

*Katie slowly enters Jason's room. Seeing him laying in the bed brings a tear to her eyes. Pulling a chair over to him she sits down.* "I'm here Jason. I'm here for you." *Katie slips her hand into his, maybe in his dreams he would feel her presence and know she was there for him.* "Fight this Jason and come back to us. We need you, You mom, your grandfather, your friends." *Katie keeps holding Jason's hand as she watchs him sleep.*

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