

Cindy searches Wes’ eyes for reassurance, even though her instincts are telling her that all is not right. “I’m scared, Wes…”

JT moves to sit closer to Katie, his voice steady and gentle. “It happens sometimes, Katie, and it can’t always be medically explained. While Jason was on the table, he had a couple reactions to the meds, but nothing uncontrollable. Basically the anesthetic should have worn off by now, but he hasn’t woken up. It’s my opinion that his body simply shut down in order to heal itself from the inside out – it’s happened before…it can be a body’s defense mechanism. The tricky part is waiting…he’s in stable condition, and the monitors show healthy brain activity, so I’m not real worried at this point. We just don’t know if it’s going to be a few hours, or a few weeks.” He smiles encouragingly. “But he’s young and strong, Katie. I have full confidence he’ll pull through…we just have to be patient with him.” He gestures to the door. “I had him moved to his own room, number three-thirteen. It would be fine if you want to see him.”

Mick straightens in his seat as he sees the headlights in the evening light. “Hey, yeah….”

“I can’t believe you did that!” One thug argues.

The other rolls his eyes. “I didn’t think we’d get pulled in for not using the parking meter! How was I supposed to know?”

“Yeah, well our little jaunt for lunch turned into an all-day excursion. You just better hope that kid we got in here is still there.”

“Ha! Where was he going to go and how was he supposed to get here?” The crook shakes his head. “You worry for….” His voice trails off as he looks at the broken lock on the door. “Hey…this looks like it’s been kicked in.”

“What?” His partner takes a closer look, drawing his gun. “Let’s check it out.”

Mick watches intently, waiting for more movement. It isn’t long before the two figures appear again, in an obvious hurry. They jump into their van and burn rubber as they back out onto the road and speed away. Mick turns on the ignition and keeps his lights off. “Alright, guys. We’re on. Let’s see where these idiots go.”

Sparky nods his agreement and grabs his phone. “I’ll call Adam…”

Becky comes in from the living room and joins Wendy in the kitchen. “Hey, hun, find anything good we can fix up for this hungry mob?”

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