

Whats one person to save when you can add another.

Moving a little closer to Jason Katie take his hand in her than gives a quick look over her should. She felt so bad for Ryder. Losing a brother was enough, but to be shot, and lost your home in the same day Katie couldnt even imagen.

Leaning her head on Jason's shoulder Katie nuzzles in a little bit. After all the excitment she was so tired now and sleep was welcomed.

We did do good. I love having our connections to be able to talk with you anytime I want.

Moving her head a little Jess gives a soft waking up moan. As if finally relizing she was laying on someone Jess shoots up her eyes wide. Looking around the room quickly Jess finally relizes where she is and her shoulder drop a little as the tention starts to go away a little. Turning Jess looks at Scott though she just woke up her voice still sounded tired.

"I'm sorry...I think I drooled on you."

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