

Jason lets his head rest on Katie's as she leans on his shoulder and he closes his eyes, giving her hand a squeeze in reply. The closer they were, the smoother the connection, the more peace was felt. His mind wanders for a moment, wondering what the future held for them now. Would it always be like this? Or would things change?

...Ryder steps over Jason and Katie's legs to ease back down in his seat by the airplane window. Carson had taken a look at his shoulder again, unbeknownst to the airline stewards. It hadn't looked all that great after it had started to bleed again. He needed stitches, but there was no way that could be done now, and from the way it looked, Carson feared that a fast infection was starting.

Ryder closes his eyes and leans back against the window. He'd like to maybe talk with Katie or have her look at him again with those reassuring eyes. But he knew better when Jason was around. Katie was a knockout, but she was definitely taken.

Feeling hot and lethargic, he tries to sleep, but is in too much pain to be comfortable. He felt sick and a little dizzy, but was unsure if it was due to his wound, or the plane ride.

Scott lies still, knowing Jess was startled enough to wake up here, and not wanting to make it worse. A small grin creases his lips at her comment, and he looks down at his shirt. "Eh... Domino got me on the other side. Your drool would just even me out."

He pull himself up to sit against the wall and yawns. Domino stands up by the door again, wiggling with excitement.

Scott sighs. "Alright, alright... I'm coming." Going outside was still not his favorite thing to do, but it wasn't quite as bad as it used to be. It was scary, but unless startled, the panic didn't seem to be as intense.

He finally stands up and stretches, yawning again. "Dalton will be in here soon," he muses. Looking at Jess, he cocks his head. "Are... you staying at TJY for a while?"

Layovers, several stops, and more planes. The hours seem to drag on. No one had gotten much good rest, though they had slept some. Nevada never seemed further away.

The day turns into night, but the team won't stay at a hotel once back in the States. They needed to catch the first plane home. By now, Ryder is feverish and even more weary, barely staying with it to keep up. The only thing that kept him going was pressure from Carson. But he was in such a fog that he was already not remembering half the trip.

Never had Nevada looked so good. It's morning when the team finally lands for the last time, finds the waiting van, and drives to TJY. The darkness amplifies the tiredness of the foursome, yet the exhaustion is overtaken by adrenaline that keeps them continuing to their goal - to get the pack of vials to Rick and Misty to find the antidote.

TJY's parking lot shows that many had already shown up for work today, proving too, that both physicians are there. Ryder has trouble forcing his eyes to stay open. He felt like a robot. This whole thing seemed so foreign - literally. He'd been to the US a few times, but only for a day or two at a time, work-related. To think that he was now here indefinitely... Perhaps being here wasn't as drastic as a European country, or any country were English wasn't spoken... but it was still going to be a culture shock and he knew it.

Lagging behind, he trudges behind Carson, Katie and Jason, his feet scuffing the pavement, dizziness causing him to stagger. He feels Carson help support him, but everything is just kind of blurry and foggy.

Boy does it feel good to be back here.
Though in a hurry, Jason takes the time to sling his arm around Katie as they walk, planting a kiss on her head. It did feel good... they'd made it back... they were alive... they'd been successful as far as they knew. He glances over his shoulder.
Let's just hope we got Ryder back here in time too. He's not doing so great.

Getting to the infirmary, no one bothers to knock. Luke and Jeff have gone to the break room for coffee, leaving Angel, Rick and Misty.

Rick looks up quickly, his eyes widening. A wave of relief hits him. "Praise the Lord," he breathes. "You made it."

All four coming in, Carson is busy with Ryder, and takes him to the table, easily getting him to lie down. "Just stay here a minute," he directs.

Ryder hurts too much to care, and just closes his eyes, the perspiration trickling down the side of his face.

The team looked a mess. They were hot, tired, smelly and dirty. But they were back.

Carson spots Misty and just stops for a moment, looking at her. A smile spreads. "Are you ever a sight for sore eyes." Moving closer, he wraps his arms around her in a strong hold, not waiting to give her a kiss to the lips.

Withdrawing though, he knows that anything more will have to wait. "We got stuff for you and Rick to work on an antidote. But I got a guy here who needs help too." He gestures to Ryder. "Gunshot wound to the shoulder. It hasn't been sewed up, and I think it's infected."

Jason hangs back with Katie for a moment, glancing over to see that Angel was still alive, though she looked so still and pale. "Rick..." Letting down his backpack, he rummages for the smaller pack. "There's a lot of stuff in here... one of them might be the antidote. One of them is the poison, so either way, we should be good."

Rick takes the pack and immediately goes to the counter to spread out and look at everything. He leaves Misty to the newcomer for now.

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