

Having Carson hold her in his arms felt good. Seeing him home alive was even better. Now maybe even with all that was going on she could rest just a little without the worry that before he left could be the last time she saw him.

Not basking in the moment for to long Misty pulls away from Carson. She would have time to enjoy him later now there were others who needed to be tended too.

Walking over to Ryder Misty takes the bandges off his arm to take a look at the infection. It wasnt so bad yet and from the looks of it there was no poison on the bullet like the others had been.

Going back to the cabneit Misty gets a tray puting a few items on it to clean the infection annd than suw up the wound before walking back over to Ryder and setting the tray down.

Jess trys to offer a smile to Scott as she stands hearing someone else she didnt know would be in soon. Thinking for a moment Jess really wasnt sure if she would be here still or not. She certinly didnt feel safe going home but she was so confused right now she didnt know where she was gong.

"I dont really know. I dont want to take your bed from you agan, and I just dont know right now I guess."

Seeing the little dog wiggaling at the door Jess gives another smile going to the door herself.

"I better let you take this little thing out before she goes right here on the floor than I would feel worse than I do drooling on you. I'll see you again most likly."

Slowly slipping out of the room Jess can hear people making there way to the infermary though one voice in perticuler catches her ears the most even if his acent was a little thicker now. Jess quickens her pace as she goes twords the innfermary. She had wanted to see Carson since last night and now she could.

Entering she see Carson standing with Misty and someone alse she didnt know treating him. At first she didnt want to really bother them and was tempted to turn and leave the infermary was pack with people having Jason and Katie in there too, but Jess really did want to see Carson and hear him said it was be ok.

Taking a few steps closer to him Jess reaches out and lays a hand on his arm.

"When your not busy....can I get a milkshake?"

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