

At first, Katie's move towards Ryder makes his eyes widen, confused, unsure what she's doing. But suddenly her lips are pressed to his own, her kiss coming on sweet and strong. Taken totally off guard, his head jerks, but then relaxes. He wasn't sure if this was reality or if he was delirious, but either way, he didn't really care. His eyes slowly close and he can't help but return the kiss with soft energy that proves the pain in his shoulder is briefly forgotten. Ryder's grip on Katie's hand turns into a gentler hold, his thumb running through her palm.

Carson is working as quickly as he can, but seeing Katie kiss Ryder, he stops, blinking for just a moment. Forced to keep working though, he keeps his thoughts and comments in check. Suddenly his knife and finger hit something hard. He'd found the bullet. Easing it out, he cringes a little as more flesh is torn. Ryder would need more than what help he could offer, but hopefully he'd last until they had time to stop.

Setting down the bullet and knife on the table, Carson presses a clean cloth to the wound, trying once more to get the bleeding to stop. He glances back to Katie. "You can come up for air now."

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