

Ryder's eyes open again, though tiredly, and he looks up at Katie as she straightens. Though Carson is there, he pays no attention, looking only at Katie, a million and one different thoughts and feelings racing through his eyes.

Carson can't help the grin that twitches the corner of his mouth as he wipes the blood off his hands. "If I'da known that getting shot was a way to get a kiss from you..." He cocks his head, clicking his tongue. "Mm. I must not have been paying attention when that was taught."

His eyes drift up to catch Katie's with a mischievous twinkle. He knew why Katie had kissed Ryder, and it hat worked. But he couldn't resist teasing her.

Suddenly, Jason comes back into the room. "They're about half a mile away, sweeping the area," he informs. "We gotta get out of here, and fast. We might be able to hold them off, but I'm not so sure we won't take more hits if we try."

Carson shifts into overdrive once more. "Jason, grab all our stuff from the back rooms. Katie, stay in here with Ryder and keep pressure on that hole. We've got to get that bleeding stopped."

Jason moves, and so does Carson, heading in two directions. They gather everything together in a hurry, Carson even going into Ryder's quarters to find his passport, and throw a bunch of stuff into a bag for him.

Ryder swallows hard and lays back, a wave of dizziness hitting him.

Within minutes, all four are gathered in the kitchen again. "Come on, Ryder, stick with us." Carson helps him off the table, after taping a thick bandage in place on his shoulder. "We're getting out of here."

"No," Ryder argues weakly. "I can't."

"You have to."

"But..." Ryder looks around the room. This was his home. "They... they don't know it's me... I can stay."

"They'll find out," Carson states sternly. "You have to come with us. We're not going to leave you here to die."

Ryder doesn't have the energy to fight back. All he can do is throw Katie a sorrowful look. He'd been hit one too many ways today.

Getting out to the pickup, Carson drives, directing Jason to ride shotgun as a lookout, and he helps Ryder lie down in the back seat with his head in Katie's lap. They're on the road within minutes.

"Where are we going?" Jason questions.

"The airport."

"How are we going to get Ryder through?"

Carson thinks, keeping his eyes on the road. "He's afraid of flying."

Ryder's eyes are closed, but he's awake enough to hear. "I'm not," he mumbles.

"Yes you are," Carson states flatly. "At least today. That's why you look as bad as you do."

Jason grimaces.
Let's hope security buys that. We may be Elite agents, but they could hold us up for a long time before we can get to a plane.

A bump in the road makes Ryder wince. His hand finds Katie's again. In a pit of darkness, she was the only light he could see right now.

The office door opens and Rick peeks in, expecting to find Scott, and surprised to see that no only were Scott and Domino there, but Jess as well. All three were sound asleep. A smile crosses Rick's lips. He would let them sleep. Somehow, two weary souls had found each other.

As the door clicks shut again, Scott's eyes are pried open. He doesn't move, but glances around, trying to remember just where he was. His body told him it was morning. Moving slightly, he feels the warm body next to him and suddenly remembers that he's not alone. Jess' head was still resting on his chest, his arm was still around her. He couldn't remember a night that he hadn't tossed and turned... but last night apparently he hadn't moved a bit and for the first time, he felt almost refreshed.

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