
How are u

Wrapping her own arms around Clint Wendy nuzzles her face into his shoulder. Some might think she was strange for even bothering to hug him when he looked and smelled like grease, but to Wendy it was almost a comfort. Knowing he was close, and smelling him was almost soothing to her and she didnt mind it a bit.

" I know you do, and I love you very much as well. I know your so tired all the time, and this is all alot of stress on you. So I try not to worry about it to much. We have the rest of our lifes together right. So I figured a little sacrifice now is ok."

Wendy is silent for a moment as many things run through her mind. Moving her head just a little Wendy looks Clint in the eyes giving a smile.

"Thank you Clint."

Drinking her eat and taking a few bits of food here and there Jess listens as Rocky talk a little about himself. As the questions turns to her Jess can feel herself become a little bit nervouse. She still wasn't use to shearing her story with many people. But keeping her cool Jess knows that sooner or later this question would of come up.

Giving a grin Jess voice is laced with a bit of humor as she replys to Rocky.

"Well I dont know much about Jemmm Ferchen but...I do know a little about Jessica Fisher."

Jess cant help but chuckle again taking another sip of her tea.

"My life is pretty boring. You know where I work, I come home...dont really have any friends I had out with. I use to date Carson, I met Axel, met you...work and go home. Life is pretty boring for me now. But I dont mind to much."

Jess hopes maybe that will satisfy Rocky for now without giving to many details on her past. Jess didnt know why but talking about it still made her a bit uneasy though sooner or later she would tell him.

"Lets see...what alse would you like to know?"

Hope listens to Scott as he describes the pictures taking in his every word. How he described the pictures was so deep and for a moment Hope could see maybe a glimps of who the real Scott was.

Waiting for him to finish talking Hope smiles and looks up at him. A glint of amazment in her eyes.

"You have quite an eye I can tell you that. These could pass as being done by a perfeshinel. Do you mine if I keep a few to hang on my wall?"

Hope continues to offer Scott her friendly smile. All she wanted was him to feel comfrotable. Talking would come naturly once he was.

Waiting before she continues again she looks down at the picture of the light under the door, the bars on a window and the smashed merror. The pictures said more than one would think.

"How have you been today Scott?"

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