

Looking up quickly at Rocky's comment Jess locks eyes with him for a moment. She wasnt to sure but his comment made her wonder that he new about her more than she thought but how? Jess felt a bit at easy yet a bit uptight not even sure how Rocky new. Seeing the look on his fae and the smile though made her feel better that even though he new about he past it still did not bother him.
Still it bothered her, maybe she had yet to come to terms with it, or maybe it was just the shame she felt that haunted her still.

Looking down at her plate once again after Rocky's comment she is silent for a long moment. The look in her eyes was almost empty as if longing for something that just wasnt there. There was a feeling missing, an emotion that just was not known. Thinking for a long moment Jess finally looks up at Rocky again. A look of sadness, empty, and lonlyness pass through her eyes for only a bref moment as she replys.

"I, dont have any special spots I like to go, and I..like to play cards, but I havent played in a while. Other than that I work, come home..and thats it. Yesterday was the first time I ever had someone over to my house to just hang out that wasnt a boyfriend. I dont really have any friends."

Hope falls silent as her eyes follow Scott around the room. Listing to what he was saying Hope was glad he was opening up, but it stung even her to hear the words he said. So much he had bene through, so much pain...and all he was harboring inside. Hope new Scott must feel so alone in the world and lost.

As Scott sits down again Hope looks down at the pictures once more and than back up at her pashent.

"You are lucky to be alive Scott and that counts for something right? I know some days it feels like you wish you wernt alive but you have so many people who love you and care about you and a VERY happy that they still have more time with you."

Drawing silent again Hope searchs Scott's eyes.How she wanted to help him so bad and wish she could do more than she was.

"Even if you dont think so, you are a wonderful and smart person. Don't let them win this one. So far I have enjoyed getting to know you. I can only imagen how those who have known you longer must care for you. You might feel alone but your not. Your friends, and the people who care are with in your reach, you just need to find the curage to take the first step again to open the door holding the light."

Standing Hope walks to the front of her desk and leans on it for a moment before squating down in front of Scott.

"The path lays infront of you Scott. I am simply here to help you along the way.With out even relizing it you have started to take the steps already, and even though they are small they are apart of the big picture and I am so proud of you."

Hope offers Scott a soft smile.

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