

Eating a little bit of her food Jess is a tad saprised when Rocky informs her that Carson had been the one who informed Rocky. In a way she felt a little betrayed that he would talk about it, but as soon as the feeling came the feeling passed as well. Jess had been close to Carson and he'd never done anything to harm her and was her friend. If Carson didnt trust Rocky that he wouldnt have said anything to him.

Giving a small smile to asure Rocky she was not to upset, but stays silent as she continues to eat her food. Listing to Rocky talk about his special spot Jess gives her head a little nod. She never really just stoped and looks at the stuff around her. She'd always though she was to busy for that not to mention to her eyes there wasnt much in this world that look pretty to her. Maybe it was the error of her own ways that blinded her eyes, or maybe it was simply the world was full of so much hate that it blocked out the nice stuff to some. But for some reason when Rocky said it, Jess could almost feel the warmth that raideated off of it.

Jess ear perk up at the mention of Rocky hanging out at her house again sometimes and that he liked playing cards. The look of excitment pass through Jess eyes as a grin curls on her lips.

"I think I would like that, but you better watch out I am pretty good at card playing."

Thanks back for a moment to the time when Carson and her use to practice. Another smile forming on her lips. A look passing through her eyes. A look of remembering. The past had been bad, but it had some bright spots that Jess would always remember.

"Thank you by the way Rocky."

Looking up Jess eyes meet Rocky's as a small fire burns in them. One that wasnt there before. Where it came from some might not know, but deep in Jess heart she new and it felt differnt, but good.

Seeing the grin on form slightly on Scott's face a flutter happens inside Hope's heart. With every passing moment, here and there she caught a glimps that what she was doing really was helping and it gave the the curage, and the confadince that was was doing on good.

Giving a nod Hope replys to Scott a bit of excitment in her voice.

"I'd like that, and thank you."

Hope thinks for a moment before speaking again.

"I'd like maybe a picture with you as well. Art of the artist is a good memorie."

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