
Worst two months

*Continuing to follow Jason to the infermary her mind wonders. It was nice to know other people like Hal would stand behind them in what they were doing. It made them seem a little less lonley. Katie wondered though with all the people they could get behind them how hard would this be? Through her anger and hate she couldnt help the looming feeling of a dark storm cloud that was going to go terrably wrong.

Once caring only about herself and keeping herself locked away from any emotional feelings, now Katie faught for one of her best friends and his right and the wrongs of other. It had been a long while since Katie had said she hated anyone and now once again the feeling was there. It was a feeling she herself hated having and that drove her anger even more knowing someone had pushed her that far.

Finally Katie's mind rests on what Jason had said earlyer about wishing he new Austin would do this. No, no one could of know this was going to happen. Blood or not there was just no way. Something had happend, something had went wrong, something was un answered.

Bringing her thoughts back to the here and now as the enter the infermary Katie looks at her friend as she throws away his food and returns to the bed kicking off his shoes after Jason's question. Katie couldnt help but feel oh so bad for him. The once strong man that she had grown close to and even loved at one point in time was now so small. The consistent loss of weaght and the dull look in his eyes drove a knife home for Katie. How she hated seeing Scott like it.

ok, I'll be right out J. Thanks.

Once Jason is gone Katie makes her way to Scott's bed the best smile she can forming.*

"Hey Scotty. I know you hate staying here but, all and all its for the best ya know. We are just looking out for you and want to make sure we keep you safe. We are doing everything we can to make sure Austin pays for what he did. No one hurts my friend and gets away with it."

*Katie lays a gentil hand on Scott's arm as she talks.*

"Your my friend, and I care so much about you Scotty. I went two months thinking you were dead and it was the worst two months of my life. I don't want to lose you again, I don't want to have to feel what I did again. Stay strong ok for me...?"

*Leaning in Katie gives Scott a kiss on the forhead and than turns to leave stoping for a moment and throwing him another smile one that help truth and a promise.*

"If you need think call I got my phone on me. We will be back, and we wont give up. So dont you give up eather."

*Leaving the infermary Katie meets up with Jason again.

Alright J lets get going.*

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