

As Katie reacts to the findings, Jason grits his teeth, feeling the immediate shift in their connection. It never really hurt, but it was a definite discomfort. He knew that both of them couldn't help the way they felt though, and he'd already put Katie through enough tonight that he would never think of complaining. She hadn't bugged him about it, but he knew that most likely, she'd felt just as sick as he actually had been.

Looking up at Katie as she suggests going to Brown, he nods. "Yeah... I don't know what he's going to say, but we might as well show him this. Might not get us anywhere, but it might, so it's worth a try."

For a few moments, Jason gets lost in his own jumbled thoughts. He knew they should leave immediately for two reasons - one, so no one caught them here while they were suspended, and two, so they could catch Brown before he went home. But the shock of all the findings tonight weighed so heavily on him that it was almost as if for a moment he couldn't even move.

Finally standing up, Jason ejects the disc and puts it in his jacket pocket. "Okay... let's go."

Making it to the door, Jason stops once more, his back to Katie. Still feeling her own strain, and knowing the anger and hurt she herself felt, he turns around and impulsively pulls her into a strong hug.

I'm sorry all this is happening. I know it's not my fault, but this is my own grandfather. I guess I feel like there's something more I should have done, or could be doing. If only I would have seen things sooner. I should have seen this coming... I should have seen the signs so much sooner.

Backing away, Jason looks down into Katie's eyes as if searching for the world and finding her soul. He knew that the emotions being shared were ones of anger, hate, hurt, and a slow and steady coldness that was settling over the flames, killing all warm feelings towards his own grandfather. There was more. Whatever else he had found, had sealed his hate. He knew Katie would force him to revisit it later so she would know, but at this moment, it was too much to handle. Tonight they were on a different mission.

Spinning around, Jason heads for the infirmary again. "Let's go. We don't have a whole lot of time."

Halfway there, Hal meets them, a bucket of cleaning supplies in hand. He lifts an eyebrow at Katie and Jason, stopping near the infirmary. "Well hello. Didn't think I'd see you for a while."

Jason cocks his head. "Why not?"

Hal almost laughs. "You think the news of someone getting suspended wouldn't travel around here?" He grins. "But I guess I shouldn't have been surprised to see you. Find anything?"

Jason looks at him cautiously. He trusted Hal, but the question sent up a red flag. "Who said we were looking for anything?"

Hal smirks at him. "I'm not stupid. I was going to go hunting myself while I cleaned tonight. I just want to know if I have to now."

"No... you don't have to."

"Good." Hal nods with satisfaction, respecting secrecy and trusting Jason and Katie fully.

"There is something you can do though," Jason requests. "Keep an eye on Scott? He wanted to go home tonight, but we didn't think it was a good idea."

"You were right. Last couple nights he's screamed up a storm from those nightmares he's been having." Hal shakes his head. "Nothing I could do but let him get through it on his own. I mentioned it to Rick, but he said not much other than time would help." He sighs deeply. "Anyway, yeah, I already was watching him. Rick asked me to. I've been up and down this hallway every few minutes, and I got the cameras watching the front door so I'll know if somebody comes in."

Jason nods his appreciation. "Thanks, Hal."

"Hey... don't thank me. I want to help as much as you do."

Jason knew that there was much more meaning in Hal's words than a simple longing to help Scott. Hal obviously had feelings against Austin now too, even if he wouldn't say so directly. "Alright. Katie and I will be gone in a few minutes."

"Great. And Hotshot...watch your back."

Jason grins and thumbs to Katie. "What do you think I got her for?"

Making it the rest of the way to the infirmary, Jason stops in the doorway, seeing Scott on the edge of the bed.

Scott was still where he had been, still not taken his shoes off, and still not cleaned up the leftover supper. Seeing a shadow on the floor, his head jerks up, taking just a second to recognize his two friends again. As if being brought out of a trance, he stands up slowly and goes to throw away the leftover food, then sit back down on the bed. "Find what you wanted?" he asks quietly.

Jason approaches slowly, and nods. "Yeah... we did."

Scott looks up at him, then at Katie, his own eye showing proof that he realized they knew more now, and though knowing it hadn't been at all his fault, embarrassment was still there. "Guess you're leaving now then."

"Yep. And you are...?" Jason lets his question hang, wanting Scott to answer it.

"Staying here," Scott mumbles. He kicks off his shoes and pulls his legs up on the bed to sit cross-legged, staring at the floor.

Jason gives a little sigh. There was nothing more he could do.

I'll be out in the hall. See if you can make sure he'll stay here, then we can get going.

He nods his farewell to Scott, then sidles past Katie and out into the hall to wait.

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