
How far?

At first, Scott doesn't even respond to Katie, just keeping his eyes down. But as she leans down and kisses his forehead, he looks up quickly, and odd sense of longing in his eye that passes quickly.

Trying to absorb her words, he musters up the energy to give her a nod. "Alright," he responds quietly. "I'll try."

His gaze follows Katie out the door, and when she's out of sight, he eases back on the bed to lay down, closing his eyes. All he wanted to do right now was just be able to function like a normal human being, and he couldn't even do that right.

Hearing a noise in the hall, his brain knew it was just Hal, but he flinches anyway, curling up into a tight ball. All he had to do was get through this night... just this night...

Jason is leaning on the wall, completely lost in thought, when Katie comes out to him again. He jumps a little, startled by her presence, but quickly recovers.

Yeah, ok. Let's go. I'll follow you, then we can split up from the station unless we need to go anywhere else tonight.

Making it outside and to the parking lot, Jason trudges to his truck with less enthusiasm than when they had come. He was just as gung-ho about their task and what needed to be done, but the wind had been taken completely out of his sails, making him question everything about himself. Austin... his own grandfather... how could he have...

Jason shakes his head and starts up the truck, following Katie out and downtown.

It doesn't take long, and once again, they're both walking up the steps and inside the police station. It was quieter tonight... late enough that most people had gone home for the night. But a few officers still lingered, including the same one who had been at the front desk earlier.

He raises his eyebrows as he sees Jason and Katie again, then a small smile curls the corner of his mouth. He thumbs down toward the hall. "He's in his office."

Jason can't help a grin, realizing that he and Katie were pretty predictable. "Thanks."

If we come down here any more often, they're gonna put us on their payroll instead of the Elite's!

Getting to Brown's office, Jason taps his knuckles lightly on the door, waiting to enter until he hears a voice bidding him to do so.

Here we go again.

Seeing the two young agents once more, Brown gives them both nods as he sits behind his desk. "Well, I wasn't expecting to see you again quite this soon. Something wrong?"

"If finding proof is wrong, then yeah." Jason reaches into his pocket, pulling out the disc. "You wanted proof of abuse. We got it."

"Ahh." Brown's eyebrows raise and he takes the disc. "Austin himself?"


Brown turns to insert the disc into his computer, while gesturing to Katie and Jason. "Please...sit. I have a feeling you two aren't in a huge hurry, and I'm certainly not. I got enough work here to keep me here all night if I wanted to."

Jason chuckles. "Sounds like TJY."

"I can imagine." Brown fiddles with his computer a moment, then settles back to watch the footage. Coming to the part that had convinced Jason and Katie to pursue the issue, Brown shakes his head, a frown forming. "Well, Scott certainly didn't deserve that..." He watches more, the look on his face going from disappointment to irritation. "I would think Austin would know better than that. He had be convinced this whole thing was a normal routine. I don't get it."

"Neither do we," Jason admits. "We don't know why he'd do this, other than the fact that he's just as royal scumbag."

Brown stops the disc, looking at Jason with slight surprise. "I didn't know you felt quite that strongly about him... him being your grandfather and all."

"Look..." Jason takes a deep breath, trying not to think about his earlier finding. "He's not who I thought he was. I don't know what he's become, or what he's doing, or why he's doing it."

Brown sighs deeply and leans back in his chair, quiet for several minutes as he thinks. "Well, what do you two want to do?"

"Hang him," Jason mutters.

Brown shifts his weight to lean forward instead, resting his hands on his desk, so he's closer to Jason and Katie both, though his words are aimed at Jason. "Is this about you, or about Scott?"

Jason swallows hard. After tonight, it was both. His anger resumes its boiling, the churning in his stomach starting again. "I'm here seeing you because of Scott. My hatred towards Austin goes beyond this one issue."

"And why is that?"

Jason grits his teeth. His fists are clenched so tightly in his lap, that his knuckles begin to turn white. "This isn't his first offense."

"Against you?"

Jason continues to hesitate. He hadn't had time to sort through it yet. He hadn't had time to tell Katie about it yet. But Brown wasnt going to let the issue drop.

Finally he glances up to look Brown square in the eye. His voice comes out like ice. "I found out tonight that my own grandfather helped put me in prison. How would you feel?"

Amidst the anger a deep hurt rises within him, along with the lump in his throat. He wanted to look at Katie. He wanted to talk to her about this. But he knew if he looked in her direction, he would lose control.

Brown's eyes widen. "Are you sure? You mean that murder case? But...why would he...."

"I don't know," Jason interrupts. "All I'm saying is that this isn't the first time he's pulled a stunt like this." His hands start to shake as he bottles up his emotions, trying to keep himself in check. He couldn't lose control... not here... not now.

Brown shakes his head. "I'm sorry, Jason. This must be tough on you."

"I'd rather talk about Scott."

Brown takes the hint and backs off. "Alright. How far do you two want to take this? Do you want to lodge an official complaint and force Austin to go before a judge? Do you simply want me to talk with him and serve a reprimand? What is it you're looking for?"

Jason tries to stay focused, though it's difficult as a headache starts to form. "We just don't want him to get away with this."

Brown picks up a pencil to fidget with. "Katie? What about you? Are you intent on getting Austin in hot water, or just warm enough to remind him what he's supposed to be doing?"

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