

*Heading down the hall and to the offices Katie keeps her eyes open her bodyguard instincks kicking in. This was dangerouse if not by death it was for another reason and she would rather they be safe than sorry. Giving one more look around Katie finally slips into the office shutting the door behind her. Following Jason into Austins office Katie breaks off from Jason looking through shelfs, boxs, and cabnits.

There has got to be something Austin is hiding if the disk is missing from that night, why alse would he get rid of it or hide it.

Katie continues to look flipping through books as Jason makes his way to the desk. In a moment's time Katie is hit with a wave of anger, dizzyness and a sudden larch in her stomach only to go as fast as they came being shut off, locked away from Katie's mind. Looking up she just eyes Jason for a moment knowing something was wrong. Jason found something that he was not telling her. About to say something about it to Jason he makes his way to the exit ordering her to keep looking and than leaving before she can even say anything alse. Her eyes following him to the door she can feel his stomach reaction and for a moment feels ill herself. Trying to continue with what she was doing Katie searchs a few more place before feeling the vilont sickness over again as she could tell Jason was throwing up. Going down to her own hands and knees for a moment the feeling finally pass before Katie can send any message to Jason.

Job or no job you shouldnt keep your feels locked up like that. You know better than that. I will come back to this later to find out what happend J.

Feeling he was ok Katie continues to look waiting for Jason's return. Finally Jason re enters and Katie is once again comfortable looking around knowing her partner in crime was ok.

Minutes seems to pass and all hope seems loss till Katie finally hears the clicks of a brefcase and looks up to see Jason holding up a disk.


Moving out of the office once again and heading to Jason's Katie pulls up a chair to his desk strattaling it and resting her arms over the back. Stairing at the computer screen as everything starts to boot and run.

Watching the scenes in front of her Katie lets out a frustrated sigh seeing nothing incrimanating about them. Leaning her head in her arms for just a moment she is about to tell Jason it was no use and to turn it off when she head shoots up from the yelling. Watching the screen even more Katie's anger boils once again as she sits up from her chair slightly almost ready to lash out at the TV itself. Continuing to watch her eyes burn with fire once again as she can feel her hand balling into fists. How could he? How could Austin do this? This wasnt right, no excuse could cover this up.

Finally jumping from her chair Katie turns the tv off fast as Jason's words echo. Turning her back to him for a moment Katie's anger brings fire red hot tears to her eyes. Staying silent for a moment Katie trys to controll her emotions just a little as to not drive Jason up a wall. Turning back to him Katie gives a strong nod.*

"I say we bring it to him now. This can't wait another day J. This is major. Let's check Scott one last time to make sure he is ok. Ask Hal to keep an eye on him and than head to Brown. I know he is working late tonight."

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