

*Dalton looks down at the dog that stood by Jason's side and than back up at him giving a small nod.*

"It's not a problem. I figured if he was going to attack me, he was going to and there was nothing I could do about it. But I new if I leveled with him he would at least leave me along for that moment and that would sustain him from attacking me."

*Turning back around Dalton goes to the filing cabnit and thumbs through some papers before finding the file he was looking for. Throwing it on the desk Dalton sits back down before looking up at Jason again giving a chuckle.*

"I don't have any doubt that I'm good at what I do so there should be no problem, and the only shoes I can fill are my own, and they are pretty big."

*Giving less than a wave Dalton looks down at the papers again anmd mumbles.*


*Katie continues to type away on her computer as she can hear Domino playing on the floor. As Domino's soft whimpers can be heard the clicking of Katie's keybored stops and she turns to look at the small dog. Simpathy showing in her eyes. Domino and Scott had always been close the best of friends, and Domino new something was wrong and wondered where Scott was.

Leaning down Katie pats her lap gently calling for Domino to come join her. Once the small dog is in her lap and settled Katie pets her head gently. If anything it was nice to still have something of Scott close to her.*

"Hey there little Domino. It's gonna be ok, I miss him too."

*Misty looks up at the sound of Wyatt's voice and gives a smile.*

"Kyle turn down food I doubt that would happen as for me I'll be there too. I couldn't turn down a good time. Thanks for the invite Wyatt."

*Giving a smile Misty looks back at her paper work for a moment before getting her phone and dialing Kyles number.*

"Heya Babe, we were just invited for dinner at Mom and Pop's tonight. Wyatt said we had no choise in the matter. We HAD to go."

*Seeing Con sends an instint smile on Jamie's face as her cheeks start to turn a little red.*

"Flattery, flattery. You eather did something wrong, or just want to be super nice. I'll go with the being nice part."

*Standing Jamie goes over to Con and leans the opisite way on the wall bringing her lips to her for a moment as they continue in an exchange of a kiss. Pulling away she looks at Con and smile.*

"As for tonight at Mom and Pop's, I wouldn't miss a good time. Not to mention being able to see my parents again is always nice."

*Charlotte lets out her own sigh as she gets out of the car and walks over to Bret. Taking his hand in her she gives it a gentil squeeze and smiles.*

"I've been here once when I first came out with Angelica. I don't remember it to well but I think I know enough to get us inside."

*Starting forward Charlotte can't help but shake just a little geting close to the door and than inside. Heading to the elavator Bret and herself enter pushing the button for the bottom floor. As the bell dings Charlotte dosnt move. Glancing at Bret she whispers as she gives his hand a squeeze.*

"I love you!"

*Finally steping out of the door Charlotte scans the area at all the people where she was to go next she wasnt sure.*

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