

*Receiving Jason emotions Katie looks up for a moment. She'd forgotten that Wyatt had said someone was here to be the new tech guy.

Oh yeah, I haven't met him yet. Not sure if I really want to or not.

Katie can't help but put a little laugh laced to the end of the emotion she sent out. It was good they had a new tech guy they needed it, and she was moving on and had let Scott go, but still she wasn't sure she was ready to meet his replacement just yet. If he was to come to Mom and Pop's tonight than she would meet him.

Going back to her paperwork Katie rests her free hand on Domino's head gently stroking it.*

*Charlotte nods her head at Reese.*

"Thanks and yes I know she is. But at least I'd die happy."

*Letting out a sigh Charlotte stands next to Bret just listing.*

"I think once we explain everything to Angelica she will be able to help Bret. How they got that picture of him I don't know but over the last 3 days I was with Bret non stop he never left my sight."

*As Reese calls for Angelica, Charlotte looks to Bret as her hand tightens on his just a little more. It was bad enough her husband was being blamed for something he didn't do let alone now have to listen to her sister.*

*Hanging up her phone Angelica gets up from her desk and makes her way out of the office and across the floor to Reese's. Seeing Bret and Charlotte, Angelica's face turns a bit red as she enters and closes the door behind her.*

"Where have you been? I've been worryed sick, and you.."

*Angelica looks to Bret.*

"..Are you trying to drag my sister down with you? I..."

*Before Angelica can say anything alse Charlotte intarupts her. Her own irratation growing.*

"Angelica, he is innocent. I know for a fact is wasnt him."

"How do you know for sure Charlotte? Were you with him 24/7?"

"Yes I was...."

*Charlotte looks to Bret and than to Angelica again before lifting her hand.*

"We were in Vages getting married."

*The color from Angelica's face drains as she just looks at her sister and than to Bret than back to her sister.*

"YOU did WHAT? Are you crazy? You hardly even know eachother...you....how could you go and do this?"

*Charlotte trys to stand strong aganst her sister. It was something she didnt often do but this occation called for it.*

"I may not have known Bret for long but we have spend day in and day out together and I know who he is. I fell in love with him and he's made me happy. He's treated me like a human being and I wouldnt change my choose for anything in the world. I love him."

*Angelica lets out a huff as she walks over to Reese desk and leans one arm on it.*

"This is crazy."

*Charlotte lets out another breath of air. That wasnt as bad as she thought it would be though it wasnt good eather she could only hope in time Angelica would accept what had happend and would still help Bret.*

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