
Walk along side

*Katie cant help but smile. Though Jason dident show it, his eyes said he was happy and loved the gift. Katie watches Jason for a long momen than looks away.* " I just want to say again myself Jason I am sorry for the way I acted at the ranch I could of handled it better than I did. I dont know what came over me. I had no right to slap you. I guess everything with the letter from my dad, and than hearing you talk to Con. I dont know but I am sorry."
*As everything is silent Katie turns her gaze to Jason again. There he was, siting in front of her. Katie was still his friend, and she was happy to have him around again but still she couldent deny she was treding lightly. Back at the ranch he had disreguarded her emotions, threw them away. Its was easy to tell he has changed now, but still. Katie pushes her thoughts and doubt of friendship out of her mind. She wanted to be open and have a friendship with Jason, but for now she wouldent open herself total to him. Maybe in time though that would change.* " Jason, how about insted of taking a backseat to me, you walk along side me. I think I can shair the spot light. Anyways, I dont like pushing others behind me." *As Katie opens the truck door to step out and replys to Jason.* " Your welcome, and thank you." *Steping out Katie is blasted with a nice warm air, the smell of rain lingering on it. It was refreshing. It gave hope. Rain Katie thinks to herself. Rain washes everything away. Katie looks up to the sky and smiles at the single twinkling star, than heads into the store with Jason.*

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