
Forgotten Face

Jason remains quiet as Katie speaks, a little surprised by her apology. He'd figured all apologies had gotten out of the way...though he couldn't deny that he could still feel the sting.
He grins a little at her suggestion of walking alongside her, knowing good and well that she was working her way up quickly and deserved every bit to be top choice around the office if Reese went that direction.
Jason watches Katie's face, picking up on the subtle signs of what she is thinking. There was something new there - distrust. It hurt more than he would have thought, though he knew it was simply a consequence of his own actions. She was still his friend...she would remain loyal, and she was happy to see him. But there was a barrier there now that didn't exist before.

He exits the truck and gingerly walks with her into the store, still favoring his leg. As they're heading to the counter with the ice cream, his eyes catch a man several aisles down who is buying potato chips. Having already had his mind occupied by the topic earlier, Jason automatically tenses as his brain tells him that he knows the man's face. Logic holds him back from making any rash decisions, but his blood runs cold, his hands starting to shake. The man could have been Alex's twin. It was one thing to overcome memories and not allow flashbacks to control him. But seeing a live figure like this was completely different - something he'd never experienced before.
Tearing his gaze away from the man, he glances at Katie, his eyes full of the panic he won't express, though knowing she has no idea what just happened. He's got to get out of here. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out several bills and hands them to Katie along with the ice cream. "Take over, will ya? I'll be outside." Not even allowing time for her to respond, he spins around to head for the door. Once outside, he takes a deep breath of the night air and goes to the pickup to lean against the the side of the bed. This did not show he was in control...this did not show he'd gotten over the past...but he couldn't help his reaction. He balls his hands into fists, willing his pulse to stop racing. This was absolutely ridiculous.
Taking another deep breath, he diverts his mind to other things in order to free himself of panic. It wasn't a surprise...he had always had just a little bit of trouble every year since his abduction...the anniversary always brought on tense feelings. It seemed worse now though. Despite him no longer struggling with flashbacks and the ability to deal with his memories, his learning to break down his walls had left him feeling vulnerable. He dreaded the night ahead.

But he couldn't let this interfere with this evening. He was supposed to be relaxing and having fun, and he wasn't about to spoil it for anyone else. Pasting a pleasant look on his face, he waits for Katie, coming up with an excuse for his abrupt exit. She need not worry about any of this - she had enough going on that she didn't need him leaning on her for support anymore. Their relationship had changed...and he would accept it.

The ranch's office phone rings several times, the caller on the other end desperately hoping someone will pick up. Jill paces in her kitchen, kicking herself for losing Mick's cell phone number. She had to get a hold of him somehow, and had finally found Rosetta's office number online. She waits, hearing the phone ring. "I know it's late," she whispers, "but someone's got to be up."

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