
Ice cream

Jason looks back at Katie, finding himself returning a small smile. His mind wants to delve into much more than he’s willing to at the moment, so he shuts off his thoughts, concentrating only on trying to enjoy himself this evening.

Ty gives Katie a grateful look as she get the pressure off of him, and he relaxes just a little.

Laura shrugs, though doesn’t press the issue any more. “Alright…if you want to join in later, just give the word.” She looks back at the board and begins to take her tiles. “Let’s get this ball rolling!”

It’s halfway through the game. Banter has been going on for half an hour, and Laura’s sides ache from laughing so much. Wyatt leans forward to get a better look at the board, snickering as he thinks of a funny word to place in the corner.

Jason sits back, already having taken in the board at a glance, and knowing what his next move will be.

Ty continues to simply watch the game, never making a move to join in, seeming to draw into his own little world.

Laura studies her tiles, furrowing her brow as she thinks. B…i…r…th…d... A thought suddenly strikes her with enough force to make her eyes widen. “Oh my word.”

Wyatt looks up at her. “It took you this long to realize you’re supposed to be forming words out of these things?”

Laura throws him a withering look before assuming her shocked expression and turns to Jason. “Your birthday was last week.”

Jason shrugs. “Usually happens around this time of year.”

Laura gives his arm a backhanded slap. “I can’t believe I forgot about it! We can’t let that slip by. Wyatt, we gotta celebrate.”

Finished laying down his tiles for a new word, Wyatt nods in agreement. “Let me see if I got anything in the fridge.”

“No, no… guys….” Jason shakes his head. “Forget about it.”

“We can’t do that!” Laura insists. “Besides that, it was your twenty-first, wasn’t it? If that’s not an excuse to have a party, nothing is.”

Jason rolls his eyes, but keeps his mouth shut. If they wanted to do something, he wouldn’t stand in the way of their fun. He swivels his head to look at Katie. “How have you been putting up with these two?”

“Rats.” Wyatt closes his freezer. “I don’t have a thing.” He looks back over to the table. “Anyone want to make an ice cream run? Jason?”

Jason give him a look of amusement. “The gimpy birthday boy gets to do all the work eh?” He chuckles and stands up. “I need to stretch my legs a bit anyway.” He fishes his keys from his pocket. “Anyone coming along, or am I supposed to figure out what to get all by myself?”

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