

Wyatt agrees. “Sure. Maybe we can go back to the park tomorrow after work. I know Trooper would appreciate it.”
He follows Katie outside, grabbing his keys on the way, and drives her the short ways back to Laura’s, letting her off at the curb. “Alright, goodnight, Katie. If you or Laura need anything, you know where to call.”

Cindy giggles at Wes’. “With a face like that, how could I refuse you anything?” She sighs, feeling much more at ease than when they’d first sat down. “I’ll think about the house…you’re right about talking to Jason though…that’s been his home for a long time…I don’t know what his plans are for the future.” Thinking for just a few moments, she finally lets Wes go, backing towards the kitchen. “Thanks for everything…you better get back to Clint, and I better get back to my dishes.”

The evening is a quiet one, both on the ranch, and in Nevada. News spreads from TJY, and though still no details are given, it is expressed that Jason has no serious injuries.
Dawn breaks bright and crisp, a new day starting again. Life at the ranch proceeds as routine, while at TJY, work continues. Laura and Katie go to work, Wyatt meeting them there before going their separate ways as usual.

Jason laces up his boots, straps on his knee brace over his jeans, and stands from his bed, glad to be rid of the hospital. It was hard to believe just twenty-four hours ago he was in critical condition…the doctor was amazed he had recovered so quickly and with so few injuries. Jason didn’t know what to contribute it to…it seemed he was just lucky all the way around. No matter the cause of his recovery, he was ready to get out of here. Todd had told him that by coincidence, the man Jason had gone to Alaska to replace had suddenly been able to go, and now Jason was no longer needed. It seemed a contradiction of gladness to be rid of the job, and want to stay since he’d only been there a couple weeks. But it was getting easier to roll with the punches. Another job would be awaiting him.

Jason hears the taxi drive away as he unlocks the front door of the house. Stepping inside, he throws his duffel bag on the living room floor and heads to the kitchen counter were some random mail is lying from being picked up by the neighbor. Seeing nothing of interest, he takes his bag to his bedroom. Limping down the hallway, a strange feeling hits him. Signs of his and Katie’s stay here still linger, as no one else has been here since.

...The beeping alarm is a rude awakening, and Jason slaps the clock in annoyance. An hour’s nap didn’t seem to have done much good, but it was time to get back to reality. He had a duty to do, and orders to carry out. Jobs moved quickly at TJY, and it seemed ridiculous to have an assignment so soon after the day before, but it wasn’t a rare occurrence.
He rolls himself out of bed, preparing to get picked up by his ride. There was just one stop he needed to make…

The floor is fairly quiet. Jason knew it was the lunch hour and was betting on most of the desks to be empty. Though having been away, he sensed routines hadn’t changed that much, and probably the break room was full right about now. He makes his way down the main aisle, his backpack slung over his shoulder, taking his usual long strides, slower only from favoring his knee.
He keeps quiet, going unnoticed, slipping down past Susanne’s office and glancing around the cubicles. Finally he spots one with Katie’s name on it. Seeing it empty, he hesitates just a moment. He’d made up his mind the night before about this, but still, he’s unsure. He doesn’t know what to expect, or even what he hopes to find. His coming here was unexpected… should he really be doing this?
Jason recalls the email he received from Katie so many weeks ago…he’d never responded…but surely she had been honest. The door had been opened…their severed friendship had a chance to be mended…but would it? Not thinking any longer, he drops a single red rose onto her desk. Grabbing a sticky note and pencil, he jots quickly, “Looks like I owe you another one” and sticks it under the stem.
Sighing, Jason looks at it for a moment. What did he hope to gain? Friendship? Something more? Nothing at all? He didn’t even know. It would take seeing Katie to know, and that was all he knew. After yesterday, he couldn't let it lie dormant any longer. He would have to play it by ear, as uncomfortable as it was.

Pivoting, he heads back down the aisle, his uneven steps clicking on the tiled floor. Avoiding any meetings with anyone else, he slips quietly past the lunch room, his ears picking up familiar voices and laughter. Entering his office, he shuts the door behind him and flicks on the light, sighing deeply. It had been a long time since he’d been in here… Tossing his backpack aside, he goes to sit down in his chair and props his feet up on his desk, grabbing a file folder of papers to sift through.

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