

It made Dan's heart falutter knowing he was the first ever to say that to Jade. Not sure why it made his heart jump, but it just felt good.

Bringing his hand underneath Jade's chin Dan pushes just a little to tilt Jade's head up so he could look her in the eyes. Studying them for a long moment Dan could get lost in them. They were so dark, yet bright at the same time. Feeling his heart thump Dan leans into Jade, the pounding in his easy but oh to taste her lips again was something he would ignore all else for.

Coming with in inches of Jade's face Dan stops feeling Jade's breath on his skin takes his own away causing his words to come out in a whisper.

"The popcorn can wait for now, this seems to be more important."

Pressing his lips to Jade's Dan can feel all the emotions that washed over him come back once again. Starting out slowly with the kiss than giving it more feeling His arms hold Jade close as the one cradles her head. Picking her up once again put this time just holding her.

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