
Another day

Having the small of coffee hit her nose Rosetta shifts on the couch just a little. Sleep was hard to come by lastnight and sometime in the wee hours of the morning she had finally feel asleep. But now it was time to wake, and it wasnt as easy as normal. BJ wasnt around to bother her into getting up and Mick wasnt there to greet her. Than the thought strikes her. Who had made the coffee?

Feeling the couch shift just a little and than hearing Sparky's voice Rosetta opens her eyes slowly. They were red and bloodshot along with puffy just the mark of someone who had cryed themself to sleep the night before.

Sitting up and pushing the little blanket to the side Rosetta takes the warm drink and holds it in her hands for a moment not saying anything. Looking up at Sparky Rosetta gives a soft smile. She was thankful he had come, if he hadnt she might not have gotten up at all.

"Thank you Sparky. It means alot that you took the time to come over here. You've always been there when I needed you. So...thanks."

Taking a sip of the warm liqued Rosetta lets it slide down her throat. Closing her eyes for a moment as her mind wonders to places she wished it wouldn't. Mick's message from last night still fresh in her mind.

Looking up from her work at Rick Misty gives a nod. She was still working on breaking down whatever was on the dark It felt like she was getting closer to finding something that helped know what had happened.

"I'll keep an eye on them. If anything changes you will be the first to know."

Looking up from drying some glasses Thirteen looks out into the crowds of people. It made her nervous having this many people around but this was her job now. She would just have to try and be strong.


Setting the glass down and taking her note pad and pen Thirteen make her way over to the table. Her hand a little shaky but trying to do her best anyways.

Walking over to the booth where Wyatt was Aerith takes her name tag off so no one thinks she was working while talking with Wyatt. Slipping into the booth across from him she just studys him for a long moment. The look in his eye was one that was almost sad though she wasnt sure why.

"Mmmm...I always like it when you tie your hair back."

Giving a soft smile Aerith reaches her hand across the table and rests it on top of Wyatt's. It did worry her a little bit to see Wyatt like this. It wasn't often she saw him down and out.

"Penny for your thoughts Hun? I got the time."

Giving a stretch as the sunlight shone through the crack in the curtains right into her eyes it takes a moment for Bree to remember why she was on the couch. But than the night before comes back to her and just for a second she lays there a smile on her lips. Hearing voices in the kitchen Bree stands and makes her way in there.

"Morning Good Uncle JT, Vamp."

Walking over to the frige Bree gaves on of the small bottles of OJ and drinks it in almost a few gulps before looking at Gunner again and cocking her head just a little.

"I am guessing you slept good last night? I know I did."

A light tap at the door sounds as Sapphire stands on the other side with a bag of burger kind breakfast food. She had no idea if Gage would be up yet but she just wanted some company before heading into work.

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