

Feeling the gentile shake to her shoulder a potent smell fills her noise like someone had spend the night in the bar. Slowly opening her eyes and seeing Bret a small smile comes to her face. No matter what seeing Bret always made her smile.

"Hey, I know but I wanted to wait and have dinner with you."

Sitting up a little Charlotte searches Bret's eyes for a long moment. She would of waiting forever for him to come home, as long as he had.

Looking down at her hands for a long moment Charlotte picks at the blanket that was over her legs. She had done alot of thinking of her own, and though she was upset with Bret for more than one reason, it was her fault this whole thing started. She was pig headed, and thick skulked and she new it.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was going to tell you honest before the last show because I wanted you to be there, but I should have talked to you first. I'm so use to being independent...and though I meant good by it I just didn't think."

Hearing Sparky's words brought Faith a bit of comfort. It was nice to hear the kind words and it made her smile. Hearing conformation about Angel as well was nice. To have someone tell you a Dr was good, was one thing but having someone confirm it was just an added comfort. Giving a smile Faith gives a nod.

"Teach me how to ride for real, and let me help you in the barn as payment?"

Giving a smile to Sparky Faith's eyes give a twinkle as she scans his face. The moonlight seemed to reflect off it just right and his handsome features donning a soft glow. Her heart gave a little flutter.

"I really did enjoy spending the day with you. Thank you."

"Eli, your family I could never turn you away. You can mooch off me all you like, its what familys are for. You know Pop taught us better than to turn anyone in need away."

Turning off the TV Ryan moves to the edge of the couch bringing her arms to her knees and leaning forward. Thinking for a long moment. Ryan new Eli was proud, it ran in the family because she was to. She only hopped Eli would let her help.

"Eli, you can stay here as long as you need to and I mean that. I like having you around again, and I will help you all I can, bills finding you a job. I'll help. It would be more a burden on me for you to leave and have me worry about you. But in order to stay here, you have to tell me everything from the start...ok?"

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