

Wanting to retort and make comment's back to Bret defending herself about why she didnt tell him Charlotte couldn't get a word in edge why. Maybe in a way it was better that way or she would just make things worse.

Leaving the laundry for now Charlotte's goes after him as he lets out a howl. Wanting to make sure he was ok. But as she gets to the kitchen the chair goes flying across the floor. As it hits the wall and breaks Charlotte gives a jump wrapping her arm around herself.

Just watching Bret leave the cold glare cutting through her hot tears from in Charlotte's eyes. From anger, being upset, shame. Slowly going over to the chair Charlotte sinks down to the floor picking up the broken peaces of the old oak chair. It was the only one in the set they had, that didnt match but it was special. Her grandmother had given it to her a few months back before she passed away. It wasnt much but it meant a lot of Charlotte.

Taking the peaces Charlotte just looks at them for a long moment thinking if she could put them together but it seemed unlikely. Standing and putting them over in the corner so I could be taken out with the trash.

Moving back to the fridge the tears still streamed from Charlotte's face but she had to figure out what was for dinner tonight. Bret said not to wait up, but she would have dinner on the table for him anyways.

Keeping her eyes straight ahead as she walked stealing glances at Sparky everyone once and a while. A smile on her face showing she was having a nice time just walking.

"I'd like to really learn how to ride a horse. Always wanted to since I was a kid, I just never had the opportunity too."

Continuing to walk, Faith lets out a thoughtful sigh at the mention of going home. It hadnt come up in conversation and she wasn't trying to hide it, it just simply hadn't come up. Looking at Sparky Faith gives a smile at Sparky.

"Oh, maybe I will go back sooner or later but right now...its just not in focus."

Stopping for a moment Faith leans against the one fence that was coming to an end just looking at the ground and thinking for a moment. The only person who new was Annie, and soon Rosetta, and Angel when they talked to them. But maybe having another friend know would be nice too. She wasn't ashamed it was just hard.

"I have nothing left in Thailand. My family is gone, and most the money I had was spent on Dr. bills that didn't do a darn bit of good."

Looking up at Sparky again Faith's eyes held emotions of someone who was thinking about something that was important and a little scare at the same time. Knowing Sparky would have no idea what she was talking about Faith continues.

"I've always had trouble with headaches as a kid. Normal migraines is what my parents always thought. As I got older sometimes the headaches were so bad my vision was blurry, and I'd just have to stay in a darkroom till it was gone. About nine months ago when your sister came to Thailand she was my live in."

Moving her toe in the frozen earth below her for a moment Faith gathers her thoughts before looking up again.

"About a week after she had been staying with me I ended up blacking out. Annie took me to the hospetil and come to find out I had a tumor in my brain about the size of a golf ball. The Dr. didnt understand how I was still alive seeing as it had been there for a while. So I ended up going into sugary and having it removed. We thougth they got it all and for the last 7 months things had been really well. Than a month ago my heackahes had come back. I wasn't blacking out or anything but the pain of the headaches were back, and sometimes they hurt even more than before. So I went back to the Dr and had more test run. It would seem they didnt get all the tumor out that first time. How that happend I dont know, but the medical field in Thailand lacks the skills and tools."

Letting out another deep breath looking up at the twinkling starts.

"So, I came here with Annie because the resources in the US are so much better to have the tumor removed for a second time. Annie told me the best place to recover would be here at the ranch and she wanted to give back the hospitality that I had shown her. Knowing her sister in law wouldn't mind. She even said there was a Dr. on site here so if I needed one."

Looking at Sparky and searching his eyes for a long moment Faith found comfort in them. For a reason she didn't know when she had just met him but it was there.

"Now, I want to try and live my life each day and a time savoring what I can. Going in for the brain surgery for a second time there is alot of scar tissue from the first time, and its tricky. I could die from it. I just have to trust my life is in God's hand and live each day like its my last. Though I addmit, I am scaried more than I let on."

Katie's eyes widen just a little as she listing to Rick. What he said made sense but still, it was a bit surprised what he wanted Jason to do.

Even if they didn't mean to brand us, its still there and it doesn't change the Agency knowing who we are. I guess we will just cross that bridge when we come to it.

Leaning back on the bed again Katie just lets her eyes fall shut. She felt so tired, maybe rest right now WAS the best thing.

Just watching the tv for a long moment Ryan listens to what Eli says but dosnt reply right away. She had known for a long time something was wrong with her brother. She could get the vibes from him, and even after all these years could read him like a book. She just hadnt said anything because she was trying to respect his privacy. But now he was mentioning he would be going back and she wasn't even sure why.

Turning her head a little to look at her brother Ryan just studys him for a moment before nonchalantly inquiring.

"Why would you want to go back to Florda Eli? You have me, a home, food everything you could want. Not to mention a job easy working at one of the shops. I wouldn't mind if you stayed anyways."

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