
Haywire emotions

"Mmm..." Sparky swallows another mouthful of soup. "Well, you do a good job. And lemme tell ya, I've had a lot of different food in my time. I think I could handle this soup any day."

Glancing up now and again, he would catch Faith's eye and just look at her for a moment as if trying to see what lay behind her gaze. Indeed he was. He wondered what it was about her that drew him in. What was it that made him unable to keep his eyes off her for too long? What was it about her voice that made him want to listen, just to hear it? What was it that made her eyes shine with joy, even though she faced many trials? Perhaps simply knowing that she had sacrificed the last few days to help care for him was what intrigued Sparky.

Engaging himself in a bit of small talk, he chats while he eats, telling Faith about some of his horseback riding adventures, tales of where he used to live, and how God had helped him and this family through so much. Long after his soup bowl was empty, he wonders if he's ever talked so much in his life and hopes he hasn't bored Faith to death.

Even so, his body was growing more tired after it had been through so much the last few days. Eventually, he has slid back down on his side with his head on his pillow once more. The small talk was continuing, but it was Faith's turn, so Sparky listens, but his eyes grow heavy. He tries to keep them open because he wanted to listen, but before he knew it, he had slipped into sleep.

His chest moves in and out slowly in a gentle rhythm, his hand slowly sliding down to hang off the bed. Thankfully, his mug was empty of tea and it hung from his fingers instead of crashing to the floor.

Kyle chuckles as he likes hearing Alice's dreams, no matter if they were realistic or not. "Who knows... with the way things are going, nothing should surprise me anymore. Not to mention, it's all backward. How many guys get asked to head up a band that's already established? And to go with his name? It's crazy. Then to blend so well that one would think they'd been together forever... not to mention the chance for a record company to hear you?" He shakes his head. "That's God for ya though, huh? Always full of surprises and nothing that seems logical."

Pausing, he cocks his head to see Alice's face, a quirky grin forming. Wriggling his weight around, he pulls her up on top of him so he can wrap both arms around her in a tight squeeze. "Kind of like us. Totally illogical."

Still grinning, he brushes her hair from her face before gently pulling her closer so he can give her a kiss. It was only in the quiet moments alone that he let his passion through, and today he was just happy to be with his best friend.

Drawing back, his eyes carry on his smile. "Wherever this band ends up going... you'll come with me, won't you?" It wasn't the first time he asked her, and probably wouldn't be the last. But her assurance that she wouldn't leave was something that he clung to.

William strides to the door and opens it halfway, peering out to see who was there. Though his face was somewhat stern, there was a softness to his eyes. A smile was hard to find, but if one looked close enough, they could see it. "Hello, Karla." He also had a good memory. "Come in, please."

He opens the door wider and ushers her inside out of the chilly air. "I heard you might be coming," he muses. "You must be here to see Carol. Follow me, please."

His step is long but slow as he leads Karla down one hall, down a couple steps, up a few more, then down another hall and finally into what appeared to be a large study. "Someone to see you," he announces.

Carol had yet to meet Karla officially, though she had seen her spending time with the others last night. Looking up from her desk, a wisp of blonde/gray hair flutters on her cheek. Her eyes twinkle as a smile comes to her lips. "You must be Karla. Hello."

Standing, she walks across the room, nodding to William. "Thank you."

Nodding back, William takes his leave.

Carol looks back to Karla, still smiling. She was a tall and slender, elegant woman, fitting the this wealthy house, yet not holding any fake airs about her. "Kip told me you might be coming." She chuckles. "I couldn't tell if he wanted more for me to have the help or for you to have the job."

Wandering to a small table to the side, she motions for Karla to join her and sit. Folding her hands on the table, she gives a little sigh before explaining. "While we have a big house here, we don't keep as many employees as a lot of people would. We like to put our money to better use and so we all pitch in with upkeep. We do have a cook though, and a butler." She pauses, her eyes seeming to laugh. "He thinks being called a 'butler' sounds too stuffy though so we just call him William. Anyway, for some time, we've also had someone here every day who keeps things clean and in order. However, the last woman hired needed to leave suddenly, and this poor house is getting dustier by the day."

Pausing to collect her thoughts, Carol studies Karla a moment before going on. "It's really not hard work - nothing heavy. It's just dusting, cleaning floors and windows, maybe doing some laundry, and on occasion helping in the kitchen. Hours are flexible though in all honesty, it will take about thirty hours a week. You wouldn't have to work weekends, though if you'd rather have a different day off than Saturday, we can work that out too. Sunday's off are a must though - the whole house rests."

She stops again, her swarm smile returning. "If you like, I can walk you through the house so you know what all is involved."

Laura sits at the dinner table, picking at her food. Maggie was so sensitive when it came to other people's feelings that Laura really didn't want her to see her like this tonight. She felt miserable... and a little sick to her stomach too. Part of her problem though was that her husband was sitting right across from her and she had yet to tell him the news. Come to think of it, she'd barely made eye contact at all with him tonight.

Unable to stand the unusual silence any longer, she gets up from the table, taking her plate to the sink. She could feel Nate's eyes watching her, and could sense the questions he wasn't asking as he allowed her to have her own space. It wasn't like her not to talk to him... but tonight, she just didn't know how.

Not even bothering to clear off anything else from the table, Laura wanders to the living room. Sinking down on the couch, she hugs a throw pillow and pulls her knees up to curl into the corner. Right now, all she wanted was a hug... to be held... to bury herself into Nate's strong arms and forget how weak she felt. But knowing she was terrible company tonight, she didn't want to ask. He'd had a hard day himself, and she didn't want to burden him with trying to make her feel better.

Pulling herself up a little tighter, she closes her eyes, wishing for a moment that she were someone else... someone stronger... someone more grateful for what she had. She wished she were a better wife... someone more deserving of this life. With her emotions going haywire, it took all she had not to cry again. And a secret corner of her heart hoped that even though she'd been less than sociable tonight, that she would feel the couch move and know that Nate was near.

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