

Just listing to Sparky was nice and Faith loved it. Every word out of his mouth held something new, every story seemed exciting to her and she just wanted to hear more and more. Not growing bored, or tired once while listing to him.

As the tables are turned, and Faith start to talk about herself she starts with her own storys about being in Thailand and some of the things she found exciting. From how she would help her father with his bulls, to her mother in the kitchen. She could slip into the tomboy roll, and the woman roll very well when the time called for it. Though she preferred to get a little dirty form time to time.

As her story ends Faith looks over at Sparky and a grin form on her face as he was fast asleep once again. Faith could only hope it was not her boring story that had knocked him out.

Standing she goes over to Sparky to take the cup from his hand but stops just looking down at his sleeping form on the bed. Sitting down on the edge, she would only alow herself to watch him sleep for just for a moment.

Reaching her hand out, for a reason she was not even sure why Faith lets it brush Sparky's cheek. Liking the feel under her fingers. A bigger smile froms on her face as she just lets her fingers linger. A whisper forming on her lips.

"Thank you Sparky for letting me take care of you. If I died tomorrow, I'd be satisfied knowing I helped one last person before I went. I don't know why I feel so drawn to you, I just...do."

Leaning in to Sparky Faith could feel her heart race as she gave Sparky's forhead a gentile kiss before she retreated with the cup in hand to the small skin to wash up the few dishes they had. She'd never have the guts to say what she just did to Sparky while he was awake for fear he would think she was crazy for getting attached so fast.

Taking the last bite of food Nate looks up as Laura gets up to put her stuff in the sink. She had been over quiet today, and almost avoided Nate as much as she could to not talk with him. Since they had been married it hadnt been like Laura to do that. Sometimes she needed her space, but she would tell Nate and he would back off.

Looking across the table at his sister he watches the eyes that looked back at him. She to new something just wasn't write. Giving her a smile Nate dors her best not to worry her.

"Finish your dinner and I will be right back ok?"

Standing and bringing his own plate to the sink Nate ruffles his sister hair on his way back through.

Entering the living room slowly Nate was cautious not sure if Laura wanted to really be left alone or not, but if she did he figured she would tell him like she had before. Moving to the couch Nate side down just looking at Laura for a long moment. Something was wrong, he could feel it but would Laura reveal it in her own time to him? Reaching out Nate puts a gentile arm around her pulling her into hug. Maybe it was as simple as a bad day at the office but something told him it was more.

Following William through the house Karla couldn't help but be nervous. She'd been here before but now it was for a different reason and Kip wasn't there eather witch felt just a little strange.

Getting to the office and giving a smile at Carol Karla just studys her for a moment listening to her talk. Making her way to the table and sitting down Karla cant help but look around the office room. It was so big, and everything seemed so clean as it was. But finally her eyes come back to Carol as she listens to what she was explaining and the rules about working.

"Oh, Saturday and Sunday would be perfect says off. I'm really not picky."

Giving another friendly smile to Carol Karla continues listing. She had, had jobs much worse than cleaning someones house not to mention it would be quite the adventure to see every nook and cranny of the house.

Karla gives a small nod at the mention of taking a tour of the house. She had yet to see the whole thing and wouldn't mind.

"Sure, I'd like to see the rest of the house."

Receiving Kyle's kiss Alice lets her own passion show thought. Never could she tired of his lips, or his kiss. Alice felt complete again with Kyle and she loved him so much.

As Kyle draws back Alice looks up into his eyes a smile on her lips as she just gets lost for a moment in his eyes. Not answering right away one would think Alice didnt have an answer for Kyle but finally she words come soft.

"It's imposable to make a shadow go away, and the same is for me. No matter where you go Kyle, I will follow. As long as you let me."

Bringing her arm around Kyle Alice leans her head on his chest. Just listing to the sound of his beating heart. She felt so comfortable in this moment, and with Kyle.

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