

Alice's eyes twinkle as she sits with Kyle. Just having time to be the two of them again felt good. It was easy to get lost in the glits of everything, but when time came along like this it really made you appreciate being long once more.

Leaning her head on Kyle's chest Alice just listens to him talk. His voice, words so soothing. A grin on her own face as she invasions a house like Kyle explained.

"Mmmm...my own room for writing...that would be amazing. Set up everything just how I want, have desks for everything...I couldnt even start my own paper."

Alice gives a little giggle knowing she was going over bored with the whole idea. But it was fun to dream.

"Yeah, that would be nice."

Coming up to the front door Karla lets out a long shaky sigh. She felt nervous, not sure why but she did. It might be that today she would find out if she had a job or not. Or it could be the odd feeling of working for her friends, friends mom that put the feeling in her stomach. But eather way she could us the money so she had to try.

Reaching out to push the doorbell Karla just waited shafting her weight from one foot to the next. Not sure who would answer the door, or what to even say when they did Karl waited.

Just looking back into Gage Sapphire can feel her heart start to pound louder as he draws closer. Her eyes never leaving his, as they seemed to capture his and she fell into them. His breath on her skin, it felt so nice, so warm.

As Gage draws in even closer Sapphire's eyes fall shut, feeling Gage's lips press aganst her it felt like a million volts ran through her at once. His lips so gentile, his passion so great even in such a little kiss. Letting her own emotions go and letting the kiss become more deeper Sapphire had never felt a feeling and a tingle like this before and she liked it. Her own emotions, and return kiss proving she did enjoy it.

As Gage pulls away Sapphire can't help the smile the was placed on her lips. Keeping her eyes closed for a few moments longer just trying to charis what was just shared. Finally opening her eyes to look at Gage feeling his finger run along her cheek there was a twinkle in her eye of the emotions she felt.

"The defiantly was a memorie worth making."

Just searching Gage's face, and his eyes his hand still on her face Sapphire wouldnt mind making another memorie. Leaning in wanting just one more kiss, her stomach makes a loud growl and her face turn red as she pulls away again.

"I guess my stomach is warning me again that I better eat."

Keeping her hand linked with Gage's she gives a soft smile to him.

"How about we grab some food?"

As the bathroom door opens and the smell of soap fills the air Faith looks up from the table. Seeing Sparky and how well he cleaned up Faith had to look away quick before finding herself stairing to long once again.

With in no time Faith has the food ready and and was serving it to them both. Hearing that Sparky liked the food made Faith feel good on the inside and she couldnt help the smile that spread on her lips.

"I made it myself. Its one of the few things I remember my mother making in Thailand. I braught some spice and stuff with us when I came here because I new I couldnt find it here. I was hopping it would come in handy and I...guess it had."

Taking her own spoon of soup Faith sips it quietly before looking back up at Sparky. Something about him just made her feel so at ease. She just felt...comfortable with him, and his voice was so soft yet strong at the same time. Faith loved listing to him talk.

Rosetta gives a nod even though Mick cant see her. She always hated when there conversations came to an end.

"I will tell him. I love you Mick. I can't wait for you to get home."

Hanging up the phone Rosetta lets out a long sigh. She did miss him, and she new BJ did too. Standing she goes and makes her way to the kitchen to start something for BJ to eat.

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