

Taking the phone and putting it to his ear BJ's eyes light up as he hears Mick's voice. It had been a long time since he hurd Mick's voice, and the young boy missed his dad very much.

"Daddy, I've miss you. I have been a dood boy, and Uncle Jeff has been helping me with checkers so when you come home I can be better to play with you."

Bringing his loose finger to his up to his lips BJ thinks for a long moment before his stomach starts to growl from hunger.

"I love you Daddy, come home soon. I got to go now before my tummy eats itself."

Handing the phone back to Rosetta BJ quickly walks back into the dinning area to sit down and start him meal.

Holding the phone again Rosetta brings it to her ear clearing her throat.

"We both love you a lot and cant wait for you to come home.Get better soon ok?"

Not being able to contain her laughter as Gunner's drink goes everywhere it rings loud and clear. It was a rare sight to see Bree laugh like this let alone in public, but here she was her laugh so light, but filled with a feeling she hadn't felt in a while.

"Your making a mess, your lucky they expect this from us."

As the laughter and joking contines on the inside, a small group of four assemble on the outside of the restraint. Plans set, how things would go down, and sedatives ready. They would bank on there target freaking, and that would just prove there cause. It would be fast, and easy no room for question.

Evering and going quietly over to the table, they were un noticed for now, but not for long as they would strike standing behind Bree, Roger towered and two Dr's once on each side.

Taking Bree by the arm he leaned down a little his own eyes on Gunner to watch his movement.

"Bree, just come quietly and dont make a scene it will be easyer for you in the long run."

Laughing to hard to even notice anyone came into the restraint let alone being standing behind her it goes unnoticed by Bree. But feeling the cold hand on her arm and the hard voice in her ear does Bree's face go pale as an instant panic appears in her eyes as Bree looks across the table at Bree.

Before anything else can happen Bree almost seems to go into a trance, not knowing where she was but only feeling the fear of going back to the hospital once again. Jerking her arm from Rogers grasp Bree slips from the chair and table.


Moving to get around the table Bree runs into one of the Dr's who grabs her holding her arms rather tight.

"Bree, calm down."

Letting out a blood curdaling scream Bree trys her best to squirm, kick and claw her way away from the Dr. but not being able to move with another Dr at her back it was no use. Tears streamed from Bree's eyes.

"No, No...NOOO....LET ME GO."

Feeling a sting, and a cool liqued go through her veins Bree looks down to see she had been injected with something she had felt before as everything starts to spin. She still tried to kick and claw her way, away as deep red marks mad there way on her arms from where she was being held but the drug was starting to kick in all ready, making her feel sick, and her world spin.

Turning Bree around the Dr wraps his arms around Bree to keep her up while the other put the white jacket on her. Roger looks across the table at Gunner.

"She comes with us. This woman escaped the mental hospital and is very dangerous. Just let us pass and nothing will happen to you."

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