

Mick chuckles at BJ, disappointed with the short conversation, but relieved too, that he didn't have to end it himself. Hearing Rosetta again, his voice becomes quiet once more. "I love you too... I promise I'll come home soon. Hang in there."

Brenda comes around the corner and gives Mick a sympathetic but prompting look. He knew what it meant, and his shoulders drop a little. "Rosetta, I have to go now. I'll call again when I can, okay?" He wishes there was something more he could say... something more substantial. But it all seemed so trite.

So engrossed in the fun at the table, Gunner's guard is down. His usually alert ears and eyes don't notice the four men slip inside and approach the table. By the time they arrive, it's too late.

The fun comes to an instant halt as Gunner's gaze whips to Bree, his eyes starting to widen. It all just happens way too fast. Stunned as Bree is grabbed and screams, he doesn't even know who these men are or what they want. But his instincts kick in and he knew this was danger.

His eyes narrow immediately, the humor instantly replaced by cold anger for coming after Bree. "Let her go!" he barks. Getting to his feet, he steps towards the doctor that had a hold on Bree's arm, but he's pushed back. Realizing that more force is going to be needed, Gunner hauls off and swings a punch, then reaches behind his back. He was running on reflexes now, and his knife was his only weapon.

A strong hand grips his wrist just as he's reaching for his knife. His arm is wrenched behind his back as the hard coolness of metal handcuffs hits his skin. His own fear sets in as he sees Bree continuing to fight, and now he was being subdued as well. "Get off of me!" He tries to whip around to see who was behind him, but all he could get a glimpse of was a police uniform.

"Now, now, take it easy, you know as well as we do that she needs to go back to the hospital."

Gunner feels as though he's been kicked in the gut. Hospital. Doctors. No... oh, no, no, this couldn't be happening. Bree's parents had left her alone. She hadn't seen Roger. She'd been safe. This couldn't be them. But as he looks to the man who was leading this bunch, he knew. He knew in his heart of hearts that this was Roger, aka bounty hunter, hired by Bree's parents. But why?

"No!" Gunner tries to rip himself from the officer's hold, only managing to cut his hands on the cuffs. "Let her go! Don't do this!"

Adrenaline surges through his veins and he thrashes wildly, dragging the officer until they're both brought to the floor. He feels a kick to his spine and a blow to his ribs, but he pays little attention. His eyes were on Bree who was being injected then put in a straight jacket. "Bree! No! Let her go! Bree!"

His hat is knocked off and sweat pours down his face as he struggles with the officer. "I'm an Elite agent, dang it! Let me go! You'll pay! Bree!" But as he sees her disappearing through the restaurant door, a final blow to his skull sends him into darkness.

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