

Both Dr.'s take Bree's drugged up body out of the restraint trying there best not to hurt her more than they already had from the welts on her arms. It was ok thought, she struggled and they had to use force.

Getting her nicely into the van and buckled in the one Dr sits up with Bree and the other gets in to driver side.

Not far behind Roger helps the officer with Gunner. Opening the back doors of the van they throw him inside before getting in as well and shutting the doors.

"Bryant, Sit on the other side of him in case he wakes up. I doubt he will till we are long gone but just in case."

Looking to the front Roger barks his orders.

"Got a good ways out of town on the way to the hospital and than find an ally way. We can dump this guy there and by times he comes to we will be gone."

Leaning back in the van as it starts off with a jerk Roger pulls out his phone and dials a number. Waiting for an answer on the other end of a woman's voice.

"We got her."

"She is awfully quiet I am surprised."

"Yep, she is knocked out at the moment but we are heading there after we dump off some extra baggage."

"Extra baggage?"

"Some guy that was with her. I IDed him as Brent Franklin."

"You idiot, what if he causes trouble?"

Cringing just a little and looking across the van at Bryant he gives a nod.

"Dont worry he wont."

"He better not. Let me know when you get to the hospitable."

Hearing the line go dead Roger hands up his phone and puts it away. The only things to do now was wait.

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