

Talking a look around the roof and seeing Gunner got most of the books and papers that could be blown away Bree grabs the blue tarp and puts it over the telescope to protect it leaving it for another time.

Turning to Gunner and giving a small chuckle with a small shake of her head the humor showing in her eyes.

"Alright than come on Vamp lets get going. Just watch out for those werewolves they should be doing there rounds about this time."

Over heading the loud voice as he worked Dan didn't want to ease drop but it was loud and people sounded upset he couldn't help it. Cleaning out the stall and listing he can make out Jade and Mick's voice catching a little bit here and there of what was said.

Finally hearing things quiet down and than soft sobs that followed. Feeling his heart break Dan puts his pitch fork down and taking his hat off to set it on the rail Dan cross the barn floor slowly. He hated seeing anyone heart and he did consider Jade a friend he just wanted to help.

Sinking down on the bail next to her Dan quielty wraps his arm around her shoulder pulling her twords him just a little so she could lean on him.

No words needed to be said the only thing Dan had was comfort for Jade as he gentily rubbed her back. It wasnt much but it was all he had to offer.

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