

Continuing to try and comfort Jade Dan rubs her back just trying to keep her calm. He new how she must feel.

"Hey Hey...you belong her more than I do. Heck, there was only one place I fit in and I got as far away from there as I could. We just have to keep moving on you know? I think you fit just fine here, but I think your trying to hard."

Falling silent once again Dan lets out a small sigh. There were days when he hated not fitting in, and feeling out of place but for him he had no family around, and no friends. But Jade had those, she just need to be her and not try so hard. Leaning his head on top of her for a moment the smell of her hair filled Dan's noise. The sweet sent bringing a warmth to his cheeks.

Hearing Mick's voice call for Jade Dan sits up and removes his arm from around Jade and looks up knowing his boss was not happy to see him like this with his daughter. He was only trying to help was that really wrong?

Once Mick is done Dan turns to Jade again giving a little shake of his head and putting a finger under her chin to make her looks up at him.

"You didnt, but its ok that he is. Your mom should have never put you in the middle like that and Mick has ever right to be mad. He's probley more worryed than anything else."

Letting out a sigh and standing again Dan new there really wasnt else he could do right now for Jade. Before leaving though Dan turns to Jade once again leaning aganst the piller giving her a small smile.

"Dont let your light burn out Jade, You've got to much going for you. You smile can light the darkest of places and thats something you should never lose."

Pushing off of the piller Dan turns giving a small shake of his head before retreaving his hat and pitchfork again to continue his work.

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