
Maybe... just maybe

Gunner cocks his head as he looks down into Bree's eyes once more. Even though he hated being here, she made it tolerable, and her words meant a lot. "You're a good friend, Bree." He places a hand on her face, cradling her cheek. "I don't care if it's more or less than that definition... you mean a lot to me." He shrugs. "So whatever we have..." He still didn't know. They still hadn't said if they really wanted more or not, or if they agreed they already had it. But he really didn't care. "...Yeah, it's worth getting out of a place like this."

It was true. He had many "friends." But not like this. Not with whom he shared his life and who had seen him at his worst. And maybe... just maybe... this was a reason worth living for.

Grabbing the rest of the loose bits and pieces, Gunner aims for the door again that would lead back inside. Stopping for a moment, he took a deep breath. "Alright, lead the way. This vampire's got your back."

"...but Mom... I... please, Dad might be able to help and.... Well no.... Didn't the police have any more leads? I mean, he can't have just up and vanished. ....Yeah, but... well, no.... who was he with? Didn't they see anything? I don't understand." Jade leans on her knees and runs her hand through her disheveled hair. Sitting in the loft, she'd hoped she was out of earshot of anyone else when her mother had called. It was after time for morning chores and she'd high-tailed it out here, sneaking up to the loft without seeing anyone at all, skipping breakfast too. Now the news wasn't what she wanted to hear.

"Agency?" Her voice quivers. "But, Mom... can't Dad.... I... yes... okay..." Her shoulders drop. "Yeah... sure.... yeah, talk to you soon."

Flipping her phone shut, Jade sniffs and wipes her eyes. "God, where is he?" she prays aloud. "I know I didn't get along with him, but... but he's my brother."

"Now you want to tell me what's going on?"

Jade jumps, feeling sick to see her father halfway through the loft door as he stood on the ladder. "How... how long have you been there?"

Mick looks at her grimly. "Long enough to know something's wrong with Dylan. Now look... I know you're mad at me for yesterday and you've been hiding out from me all morning... but please, Jade..." His voice is calmer than yesterday. "Tell me what's going on."

Jade's lip quivers, but she finally nods and stands. Following her dad back down to the ground floor, she paces a little, wiping her eyes again. "Dylan... he's... he's missing."


"Missing. He... was out with friends and didn't come home."

Mick's insides churned. "And?"

"And the police are looking for him. End of story."

Mick was beginning to grow agitated again. "How long has he been missing?"

"A... couple days?"

"And why didn't you tell me about this?"

A tear rolls down Jade's cheek. Her eyes catch sight of Dan, and she looks away quickly, embarrassed for him to see her upset again after yesterday. He probably thought she was still mad at him since she hadn't yet thanked him for the flowers. "Mom... Mom told me not to."

Mick's eyes widen as he sets his hands on his hips in anger. "She what?!"

"She said she didn't want you to get worked up or... or interfere."

"Aw, great." Mick shakes his head in disgust. "Is she home?"

"Um... I..."

"I she home?!" Mick raises his voice.


Mick spins on his heel to storm from the barn, heading to the house. His ex would be getting a call.

Jade stands trembling, now not sure what will happen. She'd disobeyed her mom, Dylan was still missing, and her dad was on the warpath. Sinking down on a hay bale, she starts to cry again, burying her face in her hands. She never should have come.

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