

Opening her eyes as Eli comes back into the room Ryan isnt even sure how long he had been gone. After she'd left she had felt tired and closed her eyes. Eli could of been gone hours and she wouldn't have known it. Giving a smile at her brother Ryan was thankful he was here to keep her chin up.

"Well I wish you guys would make up your minds, no wonder I never dates before."

Letting out a long sigh Ryan tryed to make sure joke out of it but it just didnt help lighten the subject at all.

"I wont give up, just going to give him the space he wanted. Its all I can do right now."

Giving her brother another smile Ryan turns her head to look out the window an almost far away look in her eye. Maybe thinking of what was to come, or thinking of the past.

Listing to Axel Misty takes down to few notes before reaching across her desk and taking his hard. Turning his hand over, and than over again Misty studys it from the outside seeing the damge before even going deeper.

"Well I can tell you I wouldnt charge anything. Like I said before your the one being the guinea pig. As long as you have pashents and dont mind coming here over and over again, waiting, and probley a little pain involved I will be more than willing to help you."

Misty new what she would do first if Axel would agree. It wouldnt be anything on him right away but a little more research maybe even a sample from him.

Leaning quietly in the door way Wes watchs Cindy as she talks to Kaylee not making his presence known. He offten liked watching them staying quiet and just watching. Almost as if making imprints into his own mind to remember.

Entering the room all the way Wes comes up behind Cindy and rests his hands on her shoulders before leaning over and giving her a kiss on the for head.

"Everything I look at you both I think I have a heart attack. My two beautiful girls."

Moving around to the side of Cindy Wes reaches down and pics his little girl up lifting her up high into the air and moving around in little circles making airplane noises.

"How about we get you bundled up and go outside to play so mommy can do somethings inside huh?"

Turning to his wife Wes smiles leaning to give Cindy a gentil kiss on the lips. Just looking deep into her eyes for a long moment all of his own love pored out. How was he going to tell her? He already new it was going to be hard for her and her was going to be so upset.

"Take all the time you need, I'll keep this one busy. But after words I need to talk to you about something."

Giving her another kiss as to say not to worry Wes couldnt help the sadness that he felt that passed through his eyes before turning to get Kaylee bundled up and take her out to play.

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