

Picking the leafs off of Kaylee and out from under her little hat Wes shakes his head giving a laugh as her looks at his daughter.

"How you got those there, I am not sure I want to know you silly little one."

Continuing to pull the leafs off finally Wes gets the last one off and pucks up his daughter to bring her back inside. Talking Kaylee's jacket off and her hat once more Wes takes her over to the playpen to set her down for now turning on of her kid movies on to watch.

Going back to the kitchen where Cindy was Wes knows by the look on her face she already new something was wrong and it killed him that much more.

Pulling her into a strong for a long moment Wes just wants to sink in the moment, getting lost in the today and hoping tomorrow wont come, but no matter how much he'd wish it didnt work that way.

Sinking down into one of the kitchen chairs He brings Cindy to one next to him. Reacing into his pocket her pulls out the horrible note once more sliding it across the table to her.

"I got this yesterday, its a note I am being called back over seas. I tryed calling everyone I could yesterday and today asking them if there was a way that I could work at a base close to home so I could be with my family."

Letting out a long sigh Wes is quiet for a moment before continuing.

"I am going to be a Sargent of my own special force team. I dont know how long I will be gone yet but I am can only hope a few months."

Giving a nod to Axel Misty straightens again. She couldnt help but be a little excited. She loved researching things and finding cures for others.

"Ok, well all I am going to need from you right now, is to draw some blood and than a little time as I do some research and run a few tests. I have a good foot hold in the door already its just a whole new game when have something to test everything on."

Standing and going to one of the cabnits to get what she needed to draw some of Axel's blood she continues talking. With something like this is was always good to be open so the pashent new at least a little of what was going on.

"If at any time you want to see my notes, research or anything just ask and I will be more than willing to show you."

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