
Missing something

Being drawn into a hug, then brought down into a chair next to Wes, Cindy's worry increases. What was going on? Why was he so serious? What was that look in his eye that scared her?

She holds her breath, prepared for the worst, but as Wes tells her, it's proven that no matter what she had thought could be the worst, she'd have been wrong. Her heart leaps into her throat as her pulse races. She doesn't realize that she's now holding his free hand in a vice grip.

Staring at the letter, she picks it up, her hand trembling slightly as she reads the words... over... and over. Her eyes drift to the sparkling diamond on her finger... the one that signified her bond with Wes... her husband... they were taking her husband away from her.

Cindy swallows and takes a deep breath, remaining composed before she can turn her gaze back to Wes' eyes. Her own are flooded with a million and one emotions. Taking her hand, she reaches out to cradle his face, just enjoying his warmth once more. Their country needed him... and she could not be selfish.

"Then... I will pray that God brings you back quickly." Her voice wavers just a little, her tone quiet as she tries to be brave. She had to be brave... she couldn't break down now... it would only make it harder for Wes.

"When do you have to leave?"

Axel goes with the flow, not knowing what would happen, but trusting Misty. He knew Carson well enough and new of the Elite well enough that he would trust her. It wasn't often he could trust as easily, but right now, he was at anyone's mercy who said the would help.

"I guess I'm a little curious about your research," he admit. "Though probably most of it would be Greek to me."

As she goes to the cabinet, Axel takes off his jacket, knowing she would need blood from his arm. He'd been through that routine numerous times.

Turning his arm, he flexes his good hand, getting a good blood flow. "I do have all the time you need though so... you just tell me what to do."

Gunner paces the floor of his room. He sits down, stands again, paces some more then sits again. He grabs the astronomy book, flips through it, sets it back down, takes the puzzle book and tries to find some words, then is back on his feet again. He was bored. No, it was worse than bored. It was like something was missing. He wanted to talk to someone. But he never wanted to talk to anyone. It was too quiet. But he liked the quiet. He wanted some company. But he never wanted company before. Why all the contradictions all of a sudden? He didn't get it.

Dropping to the floor, he starts to do some pushups to clear his mind. His talk with Hope had gone well. He'd had another session with a different doctor and that had gone alright. Lunch had been... tasteless, but uneventful. So what was his problem?

"Ten... eleven... twelve...."

Was there something in particular he wanted? What was missing?

"Seventeen... eighteen..."


"Twenty-four... twenty-five..."


He shakes his head, his arm muscles straining. That was silly. He just saw her the night before. Why did his mind want to wander to her?

"Thirty... thirty-one... thirty-two..."

Maybe he just wanted to look at the stars again. It would be dark in a few hours. Would he get to go outside again? There was one more thing he wanted to show Bree in the sky.

"Thirty-five... thirty six..."


He collapses on the floor. Fine. So he was Bree he wanted to see. She just livened things up was all, and he.... misses it.

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